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Does team chem effect games at all these days?
from today to day 40 yes
Originally posted by alindyl
from today to day 40 yes

I know that. Does it effect the games? Doesn't seem to be.
bort has said that for every 10 points* off your players lose about 1% of their attributes.

*This is calculated by adding your overall and O or D chemistry (depending on player) and dividing by 2.

So if you have 70 overall and 90 D chemistry, a NT would have a chemistry of 80 on that day. This would equate to approximately a 2% reduction in the players attributes. So 100 would go to 98. 50 would go to 49. Approximately, bort has never said it's exactly 1%, just that it's around it.
Originally posted by alindyl
bort has said that for every 10 points* off your players lose about 1% of their attributes.

*This is calculated by adding your overall and O or D chemistry (depending on player) and dividing by 2.

So if you have 70 overall and 90 D chemistry, a NT would have a chemistry of 80 on that day. This would equate to approximately a 2% reduction in the players attributes. So 100 would go to 98. 50 would go to 49. Approximately, bort has never said it's exactly 1%, just that it's around it.

so ... do season promotions, and/or game promotions, and BT morale boost offset the minuses from the chemistry penalty?
Originally posted by gRryNn
so ... do season promotions, and/or game promotions, and BT morale boost offset the minuses from the chemistry penalty?

morale and chemistry are unrelated. Chemistry does not fluctuate during a game so it's a set penalty. Morale can go up or down (or even be over 100 to start) and is just a penalty that moves depending on how the game progresses for your team.

Morale over 100 is just a buffer, not a bonus. 100 morale = no penalty, 150 morale= no penalty and you can lose 50 points of morale and still have no penalty from it. You do not get a bonus for being 50 points over 100 morale though (not that you could get to 150, just an example).

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