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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Can't remove myself from a forum of a dead team
I posted this in FAQs yesterday and have since been working with Euchrid in support about it. He got back to me yesterday with the following:

Originally posted by
Ahhh, sorry about that. That's a problem with inactive team forums. If/when the team is eventually added back into an active league the forum access list will be reset and it won't show up on your end. Unfortunately, until then those defunct teams don't show up in your list of accessible forums on this end. There's supposed to be a roundabout way to do this (which I tried here), but apparently it still needs some work. I'll double-check on that.

If support can't even remove this forum for me, this has got to be a bug, right?
Guppy, Inc
been complained about many times.
So... you're starting a Bugs thread about an issue that's already being actively worked on by Support???

And you hope to accomplish... what, exactly?

This is the equivalent of reporting a robbery to the police, getting updates on the investigation but getting impatient with them, and then going to complain to the receptionist in the front office of the police departmant. What, exactly, do you think she can do? She's going to tell you to go file a report with an investigator -- which you've already done.

Keep talking to Support. They can actually get something done for you... certainly more than a Bugs Mod can do.

Support will be able to take care of this. This is more of an issue for them instead of the Bugs Mods.
Originally posted by Novus
So... you're starting a Bugs thread about an issue that's already being actively worked on by Support???

And you hope to accomplish... what, exactly?

This is the equivalent of reporting a robbery to the police, getting updates on the investigation but getting impatient with them, and then going to complain to the receptionist in the front office of the police departmant. What, exactly, do you think she can do? She's going to tell you to go file a report with an investigator -- which you've already done.

Keep talking to Support. They can actually get something done for you... certainly more than a Bugs Mod can do.

How about getting it fixed? First of all, like Guppy said, it's been complained about many times. Secondly, I shouldn't have to ask to be removed from a team forum of a team that no longer exists?

How hard is it to write a script that checks for the existence of a team that can be run when teams are removed? It only has to be run once a season when teams are actually removed:

Does team exist?

Yes - Do nothing.

No - Remove users from team forum.

Edited by keithj on Dec 7, 2011 10:53:24
All valid things to ask for -- except, again, you're whining at the receptionist in the Police Department lobby when you should be talking to an investigator. Who you've already talked to. And who is already investigating your case. Just because they haven't fixed it yet doesn't mean they're not going to fix it.

As Guppy said, yes, it's been complained about many times. That should tell you 2 things: 1.) the powers-that-be are already aware of it, and 2.) it's not a simple fix, or else they would've fixed it by now.

The investigator can do more than the receptionist. And Support can do more than the Bugs Mods.

All you're doing here is whining about a relatively minor problem to people who can't fix it. Keep talking to Support, and stop crowding out more important Bugs threads.
You're not a Gm on that team, right? Just forum access?
so ....just don't look at it
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
This is a known issue, and the Bugs Mod team cannot help in this instance, all queries should be directed to Support.

I understand in this case they haven't been able to help as yet, but there is nothing more we can do, other than to make sure Catch is aware of the issue to bring to Bort, which I know is already the case for this issue.

Locking and moving, PM Sent to OP.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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