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Forum > Suggestions > Q&A Search improvement
3 changes for searching the Q&A on the wiki-

First, there needs to be a way to search by keyword past the 20 newest. Add pages to it to allow you to continue looking through the items past the first 20.

Second, Change the search so that it allows the ability to search for non consecutive words. For example if you go here the first item in the list contains the string "ball carrier down" If you search in the Q&A for the words "ball down" (dropping carrier) this post no longer shows up in the list.

It would make it much easier to find things if we could search for words without having to know the specific order/combination they were in.

Also a third one, allow symbols to be searched without them being converted, apostrophe's specifically. Searching for "SA's" spits back a search for "SA\\\'s"
Edited by alindyl on Nov 16, 2011 07:23:01

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