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When should a HH SS get off wrap up? And how high should Agi/Str/Vis go?

Att wise I'm:

Physical Attributes
Strength: 61.9
Speed: 112.9 (+25)
Agility: 27.95
Jumping: 17.95
Stamina: 15.95
Vision: 35.9
Confidence: 15.95

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 37.9
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Hard Hitter Abilities
Wrap Up Tackle: 1
Diving Tackle: 1
Growl: 1
Big Hit: 4
Monster Hit: 1
Edited by Coka-Kola on Nov 16, 2011 21:39:59
I would think as soon as you start adding VA points into power tackling since it doesn't work on wrap up.
It depends on level.
At lower levels, you can switch to balanced once you get tackling past 70, but the mid to higher levels you need at least 80 tackling if not more before you move away from wrap up, otherwise you'll be a huge liability for missed tackles.

Agi should end at 80, Vision at high 70's or 80 if you can swing it, and Str should end in the mid to upper 80's.
Tackling also needs to be low to mid 80's with the Textbook Tackler VA bringing you close to if not past 90 tackling.

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