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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Nobody bothers to block the LB - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

Come on seriously? Is the sim going to come to this?
Edited by TruthHammer on Sep 26, 2011 21:24:14 (Verified likely a bug)
46 Defense
damn 4 guys to block 1
Edited by joe on Sep 22, 2011 15:12:01
must have been a disguised blitz
Good Disguise-Fooled Evryone
needz moar kicking
Skoll Wolfrun
and here, I thought they fixed that...didn't they set it so you had to have at least 3 guys rushing the QB?
Old play dropping the Ends to the flats to confuse the O-line & the LB walks through it all.
Originally posted by Skoll Wolfrun
didn't they set it so you had to have at least 3 guys rushing the QB?

Minimal of two.

Apr 23, 2009
All custom D plays must have at least 2 rushers. NT/DT are defaults for existing plays that do not meet this requirement. 3 man fronts must rush at least 1 DL player. 4 man fronts must rush at least 2.
Ali Khaman
Yep. Cuz that never happens in real football at that level of skill.

Originally posted by Ali Khaman
Yep. Cuz that never happens in real football at that level of skill.

Looked like they had more than 1 player going up against the offensive line. Show a youtube link that has a 3 man line where both DE's fly out wide leaving a single NT up against 5 offensive linemen and a LB comes in for a sack unblocked and maybe it would be relevant.

That said, it looks like the issue is with the O line getting confused by the DE's pulling to the outside and having the LB so far back their initial checks for people to block throws them out of whack. I too thought that you couldn't do that anymore with the D but i guess since the RILB was blitzing (from 5 yards down field) it fulfilled the conditions.
Originally posted by AngryDragon

Come on seriously? Is the sim going to come to this?

WTF was the tackle doing?
Let's refrain from these kind of "Game is Broken" threads. There is no need to start them with one play link and all pile on in a negative discussion. I realize the play link looks pretty bad, but at the same time there are rules and we need to follow them.

If anyone else has links it would be helpful to have them posted here.
Same team, same defense/offensive plays

LT does the same thing but might be slower so doesn't get to the NT before the RILB reaches the line.

Third time it was run Similar to the OP, but the RILB is delayed slightly more and the LG and LT back up as he comes around, and doesn't shove them/evade them while going around.

Would appear this is a D they either created for or had a tag required to fire that they used against this team. I didn't see the defense in the other 4 times this play was called, but i am seeing it for other pro set O plays.
For example:
Play didn't work because the ILB got bumped by the FB.
A play more similar to the OP (Pro WR slant) is this one (TE Post) You can see the ILB moves the same way but can't get to the qb in time.

I think if you look through all the plays where this D fires, you will see the players doing what they should be for the most part. The LB and LT appear to be sliding in (along with the RG many times) to form a tight pocket in front of the NT. The RILB, i'm assuming has an elusive build, is sliding past on evasive pass rush trying to skip past players instead of mowing them over and on the one play managed to skirt by them in time to get the QB.

I would suggest that the OP was just one lucky play where he got in fast enough and the LG/LT slid too far inside before he got there.
Don't know if it should be like this (should the LT/LG form a better pocket even with just 1 pass rusher at the start?) but overall it doesn't look like the LG/LT completely ignored the RILB, just that they didn't stand around waiting for him and by the time he was in front of them he hit through their blocks at an oblique angle and blew past them.

If you need more replays looking at this specific D, go to and scout pro set plays on that specific game. They appear to run it all game long, or at least for every pro set i looked at.
Ali Khaman
In all these plays, the RE is going out into pass coverage. It feels to me like the tackle properly reads this and lets him go, and then steps inside to get in a direct line between the QB and the blitzing middle linebacker and then the linebacker zips outside and around him.

Remember, this is a passing play, so the lineman can only move horizontally - he can't move forward past the line of scrimmage to intercept the blitzer along his route, he has to try to get into position and wait for the blitz to come to him. Since the blitzer is so far back away from the line, he has time to adjust his path outside the tackle. The lineman isn't as agile to stop and get back outside, or he is losing his vision roll so he starts back outside too late, or something like that.

End of the day, his movement looks natural and logical to me. The minute he decides to let the DE go, he moves to a spot that is a direct line between the blitzer and the QB he's protecting. Maybe some adjusting needs to be made on the next roll where he needs to react to the blitzer's adjustment to his move, but the actual movement into that position makes sense.
seems obvious that both guards blocked him imo... and the LG whiffed, while the RG was too damn slow.

i'm not making excuses for the sometimes ridiculous blocking assignments, but ffs we've all been watching this sim forever now. no one missed a vision check, it's just one bad block and one guy stuck in the mud.
Ali Khaman
Originally posted by The Second Coming of Rusty Trombone
seems obvious that both guards blocked him imo... and the LG whiffed, while the RG was too damn slow.

i'm not making excuses for the sometimes ridiculous blocking assignments, but ffs we've all been watching this sim forever now. no one missed a vision check, it's just one bad block and one guy stuck in the mud.

I agree - I just didn't phrase it the same way. The earlier threads in the post seem to be upset about him vacating the spot that the linebacker ends up going through - but what the guy is doing is getting set between the QB and the blitzer - that makes perfect sense to me. What happens then is just the LB beating the linemen - however it happens.

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