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Forum > Position Talk > D Line Club > Potential DT Build, thoughts?
Sped through a VPB and came up with the following DT. Not very efficient build as the levels popped up too fast as i was flying through the builder.

Should have enough for 4 AEQ - Wall - Break Thru - BB% - and either D-Line Gen or Strong Base to add a little to the PR

strength : 103.06 + 58 EQ
speed : 77
agility : 90.07
jumping : 6
stamina : 63
vision : 71.07
confidence : 62
tackling : 84.07

Top SA Tree: | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 5 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Additional SA Tree: First Step 10

Rage Kinard
That's about the standard WL build, give or take a few pts here or there

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