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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > AEQ store options for centers - ADMIN REVIEW - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I have four STOP centers and I've rolled way too many times for each of them in the last couple of days only to come to the conclusion that they don't have access to all types of % equipment. I'm pretty sure that centers can't ever roll any defensive % except break block, and I'm absolutely sure that the only type of break block they can roll is 2%. Never once on any roll for the four players did I see 3% or 5% break block or any other defensive % piece. It could be that I've just been extraordinarily unlucky on all four players, but I doubt it.

I would understand if the store was initially set up to not allow those pieces ever, since STOPs weren't envisioned at that point, but it's something we should know about if so. Hopefully other people can learn from this and not end up wasting a crapload of tokens like I did.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Aug 18, 2011 09:45:52 (Boz says not a bug :))
Edited by Mike Rogers on Aug 16, 2011 17:22:19 (Admin review)
Lead Bugs Mod
I'm not sure how we could verify this. Have you tried contacting support?
Bort should be more up front about exactly how it works so that we can make an educated decision about whether to buy or use store.
Bugs Moderator
funny my CB only rolls offensive pieces, break tackle, hold block, not fumble. and hes not a returner AT
I think QBs are also limited in what they can roll, but I don't believe that limitation is placed on all positions.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by jdbolick
I have four STOP centers and I've rolled way too many times for each of them in the last couple of days only to come to the conclusion that they don't have access to all types of % equipment. I'm pretty sure that centers can't ever roll any defensive % except break block, and I'm absolutely sure that the only type of break block they can roll is 2%. Never once on any roll for the four players did I see 3% or 5% break block or any other defensive % piece. It could be that I've just been extraordinarily unlucky on all four players, but I doubt it.

I would understand if the store was initially set up to not allow those pieces ever, since STOPs weren't envisioned at that point, but it's something we should know about if so. Hopefully other people can learn from this and not end up wasting a crapload of tokens like I did.

I just checked a Lvl73 STOP C on Test Server:

On the First Store refresh I got options for:

Superior Purple Gloves
+2 strength
+1 Diving Tackle SA
Cost: 14 Bonus Tokens

Superior Green Gloves
+3 vision
+1 First Step SA
Cost: 22 Bonus Tokens

+3 stamina
+1 Big Hit SA
Cost: 17 Bonus Tokens

so 2/8 were Defensive SAs and one was viable for O or D (First Step)

On the Second Refresh I got options for;

Superior Orange Shirt
+3 confidence
+1 Big Hit SA
Cost: 17 Bonus Tokens

Superior Orange Shirt
+3 agility
+1 Snarl SA
Cost: 16 Bonus Tokens

Superior White Gloves
+1 Wrap Up Tackle SA
Cost: 9 Bonus Tokens

So 3/8 were Defensive SAs, and that trend continued. each refresh was a decent split of O SAs, D SAs, and O %pieces, very little D % pieces at all.

Took me 6 refreshes to find a Def % piece
Superior Orange Gloves
+3 vision
Break block chance +2%
Cost: 14 Bonus Tokens

2% as JD noted in OP.

In 35 Refreshes I never saw a % piece other than 2% Break Block, which was rare.

A quick check at other levels implied that the issue is consistent, but magnified here due to less refresh options.

Might be something here to look at.

Its not something we can absolutely verify, due to the random elements involved, so probably needs Bort or Catch to confirm/deny the intentions?

I'm marking Admin Review, if Catch thinks its something that needs fixing, then we can take it from there.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Per Bort from Test Server

Originally posted by Bort
Some stuff is completely unavailable for some positions to roll, but it's all stuff they generally wouldn't want, like tackling for a HB or whatever.

Certain stuff has a higher/lower rarity for certain positions, either to make certain things come up more often or in order to make it harder to get all the best stuff in just a few rolls. That is definitely intentional.

Which is pretty much common knowledge, confirming that the STOP C results we've seen are as intended. If so thread would be closed as Not a Bug.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Aug 16, 2011 19:40:58
Would one of you suggest to Bort that a disclaimer be added to the store? Maybe something like:

"Not all positions have access to all types of items, for instance centers cannot roll force fumble or make tackle equipment. Keep that in mind when refreshing the store for STOPs."

I'm fine with the pieces not being available since that actually helps regular centers, but I wish I had known about it before wasting a crapload of tokens.
Guppy, Inc
did bort make his decision b4 or after the intro of archetypes? center still seems to be the #1 position for STOPs so they really could use access to both blocking and defensive options.
Originally posted by Guppy, Inc
did bort make his decision b4 or after the intro of archetypes? center still seems to be the #1 position for STOPs so they really could use access to both blocking and defensive options.

If it could be coded by archetype instead of just position, that would be great. I imagine he has bigger priorities right now, though. I just wish I had known about this before wasting a bunch of bonus tokens.
It's supposed to be a crap shoot, but shouldn't we actually know the odds? What kind of lottery doesn't tell you the chance of winning?
Originally posted by Mike Rogers

Its not something we can absolutely verify, due to the random elements involved, so probably needs Bort or Catch to confirm/deny the intentions?

I'm marking Admin Review, if Catch thinks its something that needs fixing, then we can take it from there.

It picks from all available bonuses with differing rarities per position. So no, not a bug

all O-Line positions can only roll Hold Block % or Break Block % in my experience...
Originally posted by liamm1986
all O-Line positions can only roll Hold Block % or Break Block % in my experience...

Originally posted by bozkg21
It picks from all available bonuses with differing rarities per position. So no, not a bug

Boz, the point is that OL cannot get any defensive piece other than break block, and even then you can only get 2%. So OL STOPs should basically never, ever use the store. That's something we could deal with, but it's not something we were ever told. Had I known that only 2% break block pieces were available out of all the defensive % options, I never would have rolled at all for my STOPs. Instead I wasted a bunch of bonus tokens on each.

There needs to be a disclaimer on the store such as the one I wrote above, and if someone wants to give me some tokens back, that would be pretty cool too.
Edited by jdbolick on Aug 18, 2011 09:30:38

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