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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Converting AEQ on K & P Question???
Its obvious that a running back can't buy make tackle gear and change it into break tackle chance.

Offense gear can turn into offense gear.

Defense gear can turn into defense gear.

But what kind of gear can be swapped for kickers? If I have make tackle gear can I turn it into a kicking SA?

What about if I have fake chance gear? Or break tackle gear?
From the announcement:

2. You can only refund or swap a piece that has a +% modifier. Only the +% modifier can be swapped with another +% modifier or +SA.

3. When swapping, you can either swap a +% piece for another equal valued +% piece or swap it for a SA that is of equal or lesser value in terms of bonus token cost (see link below for full list).

Lead Mod
Don't make the jump from "offensive +% can turn into another offensive +%" to "offensive players can only turn their +% into offensive +%".

In the strange situation that an offensive player had a +% make tackle piece he could swap it for any defense +%. Anyways, if you are swapping to an SA, the offensive/defensive limitation is irrelevant. That only applies to switching +% for +%.

You could switch a +% make tackle/+% fake/+% break tackle on a K for any SA (only limitation being the equal or lesser value)
Edited by Mat McBriar on Aug 1, 2011 09:06:41
Originally posted by Mat McBriar
You could switch a +% make tackle/+% fake/+% break tackle on a K for any SA (only limitation being the equal or lesser value)

Are you sure about that? I asked somewhere, but I don't remember my question ever being answered, and I can't where I asked.

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