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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > general FB pass routes/coverage issue - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
take a look at box score... crappy team playing really crappy team, yet the two stats that standout are what each team's respective FB was able to do as a receiver... even the sucky team, where less than 1/3 of passes were completed, the FB got 5 of 6 targeted. On the better team 16 of 18.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Aug 1, 2011 09:19:58
This is the link to the box score You linked the matchup page.

Looked at the box score and the info you reference about the FB's but not sure what the issue is? What do you feel is the bug?

This FB went 6 for 6 on passes. 4 were screens, 2 were passes to him while he was playing HB.

The other FB went 2 for 3. Dropped 1, caught one for 1.5 and caught one for 12 at the end of the game.

If you could be more specific what it is you see as the problem/bug.
Don't really see the issue here, a lot of teams seem to be using the FB more as a receiver now and it is working fairly well. What is the bug?
PM sent to OP
was alluding to the more general concept of the coding for FBs I guess, not the specifics of that particular game... something is buggy somewhere (I think most people would agree) that says FBs have an inherently better chance to catch a ball than anyone relative to their catching skill and other stats
But they don't. What seems to happen is FB's tend to be covered by the worst of the coverage defensive players. WR's get CB's, TE's get a CB or a pass coverage LB usually. HB/FB's tend to get safeties or slower LB's. Not always but this seems common. And often times people even forget to cover the FB at all or put someone too slow to keep up.

So when you throw to players that do not have someone near them they will have a much better chance to catch the ball.

Also, as i pointed out, 4 of the 6 balls thrown to the FB in your game were screens, which means no one was around them to deflect the ball. This pass, he was uncovered and wide open. Here again, wide open, covered by a LB 10 yards away.

There is nothing inherently better about FB's catching passes. In fact it's somewhat surprising FB's get much action at all considering the generally poor play selections for them. Screens are easy to catch. Wide open passes are easy to catch. If you had a WR go out on a 5 yard route and was uncovered every time they would catch everything. Same with pretty much any position with more than 8 catching.
No specific bug being reported. The OP suggests that FB's have an ... "inherently better chance to catch a ball"...

Alindyl sums it up quite nicely.

Not a bug. Locked and moved.
Thread moved by moderator.

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