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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Advisor Seeking to Help - Spygate in GLB
Here is a heads up on a person seeking to advise your team. He has ties to a team owner in the Lion Conference.

We had this guy contact us about possibly helping us out this year as an advisor for the Royal Knights.

He has been a very successful D coordinator for a Western Europe Pro team that has won multiple conference championship. He also just took an O coordinator job with a team in USA BBB #14.

Check out who is the last GM on the USA BBB #14 team.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow's game.

Last edited Jun 24, 2008 21:21:50
Turner tricked me into thinking he had forums access. I about called him to yell at him, then he told me you guys figured it out before it got that far. I was telling him all along there was something going on.
Garbage. Just plain garbage. Heres to kicking your ass tomorrow. I hope we win.
The grass is tall and the snakes are out. We have to be careful about we invite amongst our ranks. This whole situation makes me wish we had injuries in the game. I sure would like to sideline one of his players for a game or two or three.
You got to hand it to them, they got balls.

Last edited Jun 25, 2008 11:14:16
If they really had any kohones they would play us straight up. Instead they tried to scratch us, bite us, and pull our hair out. Freakin' sissies. They'd better hope we don't win tommorow because I am personally inviting every Royal Knight who reads this post to the trash talking forum so we can discuss this matter and those involved in more colorful language. This invite is also extended to the yellow bellies who tried to pull a fast one. Let's get a W tommorrow so we can pour salt on their wounds.

"Winning isn't everything... it's the only thing"
I'm glad you guys sniffed this one out. It's pretty doubtful that they'd be able to pull this off against any well-organized team that communicates. It's also really cheap. Good luck tomorrow, Rwanda.

[Moved my edit to a separate post.]
Last edited Jun 24, 2008 23:58:27
One of the GMs trying to reason a coincidence. It starts with my reply to his reasoning.

There is about a few thousand players on GLB and this just happens. I am not questioning the integrity of your team. I am saying you don't have any integrity.

---------- Original message ----------
From: tramiken
Date: Jun 24, 2008 23:08:47
Subject: Re: Spygate?
To: WylieCowboy

was that a coincidence, oh, i see OR a coincidence, i think not?

i'm just concerned, because you are questioning the integrity of the team that I am a gm for and have 2 players on and in essence that questions my integrity.

---------- Original message ----------
From: WylieCowboy
Date: Jun 24, 2008 23:01:59
Subject: Re: Spygate?
To: tramiken

Coincidence. Ok.

---------- Original message ----------
From: tramiken
Date: Jun 24, 2008 22:57:30
Subject: Re: Spygate?
To: WylieCowboy

ok, first of all, I am a GM on the Bugeaters, majech is one of my best friends along with ib_mr_ed. just for what it's worth to you, that happens to be a coincidence, majech was a gm for the rampage after having a player on his team and then wanted a team, we nor majech i am sure has talked to that guy.

i just wanted to let you know, just about all the guys but maybe 3 on our team all know each other and like to play good honest football and would not partake in any of that type of bologny you may be eluding to!

we are very excited to play your team to see how our ideas and gameplan and philosophy work against a top tier opponent, just again i do not know of any collaboration on spying buy using other gms, etc


---------- Original message ----------
From: WylieCowboy
Date: Jun 24, 2008 22:50:50
Subject: Re: Spygate?
To: tramiken

This guy, hackkyckling; sent a PM to our team asking if he could help us with our game planning and tactics. On the surface it looked harmless. Turner sent a PM to the GMs asking what we thought about it. I'm a skeptic so I looked at his profile, he was a GM on two teams one of which the Rocky Mountain Rampage has a GM on it that we will be facing tomorrow. majech the owner of the Bugeaters.

---------- Original message ----------
From: tramiken
Date: Jun 24, 2008 22:42:20
Subject: Spygate?
To: WylieCowboy

I'm confused about the new forum thread you started? what are you trying to say? Am I missing something?
i hope you guys arent going on a witch hunt to use as an excuse to fall back on if...err...WHEN we win tomorrow
Originally posted by tramiken
i hope you guys arent going on a witch hunt to use as an excuse to fall back on if...err...WHEN we win tomorrow

No, we didn't fall for your weak attempt to get into our tactics. So, if you beat...; no when you lose it won't matter. Just going to report this to Bort and He'll deal with your TACTICS.
Last edited Jun 24, 2008 23:37:09
Originally posted by Shalubis
I'm glad you guys sniffed this one out. It's pretty doubtful that they'd be able to pull this off against any well-organized team that communicates. It's also really cheap. Good luck tomorrow, Rwanda.

Here's my addendum:

Whatever happened may not be an indictment of the entire Bug Eater team or of most everyone on it, and indeed it is circumstantial - I'm not willing to prejudge you. But what happened is pretty circumstantially curious to say the least. How does this GM pick Rwanda, out of the 1000's of teams on GLB, right before a key game? For me it's a red flag.

The person I think everyone needs to hear an explanation from is hackkyckling.

As this looks to go down the rabbit hole I think I'm going to step away and let a moderator moderate. My interest is to see the Lion conference stay competitive but clean.
I can clear this up, I signed the guy today to OC my team the Rampage which is in the BBB Leagues. Nobody and I mean nobody sent him over to spy on the Rwanda Knights. He had an open advertisement in the forums, which I accepted. He might have contacted teams on his own, but nobody from the Bugeaters, including myself sent him over there. I've removed him as my GM because of this and will provide a link to the forum post where I first contacted him, which was the 24th. If you want I'll post all e-mail correspondence I've had with him too. You can say what you want about me and the Bugeaters, but we are not cheaters, nor would we ever advocate any behavior like that. I've sent him a PM and I anticipate he'll be on here some time today to clear this up.
Last edited Jun 25, 2008 02:07:42
Who the hell is this Hackkyckling person? I am the DC of the Bugeaters and I don't know what the hell is going on????

I have never heard of or know who the hell that guy is. I will tell you one thing for sure I am going to try and find out.

That is not how Majech, and I operate! We have been best friends forever and I know he would never do ANYTHING like that nor would I. We got to where we are by the time and effort we have put in.

I will do whatever it takes to clear this BS away from the Bugeaters Name. I am pissed off about this! We worked too damn hard to get where we are now to have some BS like this affect the time and effort Majech and I have put into this team!!! This team has been built through some friends who wanted to play together and GOOD RECRUITING!

It makes me SICK when I see teams put together through collusion, gutting and all that other BS. We play fair. Always have and always will. I welcome anyone to look at my account or whatever it takes to clear my name from this as I am sure Majech would do as well.

The Bugeaters are a well run team with people trying to do it the right way. We would NEVER do some stupid shit like this. We would not put you down like that Knights. We have been game planning for your team and talking about this match up since the season started. You are one of the teams that we circled on the calendar.

I would have posted on this issue earlier but I just got home from playing poker. As I have said before I invite WHOEVER NEEDS TO LOOK AT WHATEVER to clear this up. I don't like being called a cheater when I have done NOTHING wrong and neither has my team. I know how we run our organization and it is not like that!



Thank you Frost that should help clear things up a bit!

Next time I hope you at least try and find out what is going on before accusing an organization of cheating. If you have a problem with the Bugeaters in the future please come to me and ask me about it. We have got nothing to hide. Just calling us cheaters and slandering our team is not the right way to do things. I would not do that to your organization I would appreciate the same thing for mine. I respect that your team seems to be put together the way it was intended to on this game, as is ours. We have shown you nothing but respect in the 1 vs. 2 forum. (Guess I better check that since this has happened since the last time I was on.)I would hope in the future you treat us with the same respect.

I, for one, am satisfied that there was no intention of malice on the part of the Bugeaters. I can see how Wylie Cowboy was miffed since it really did look bad. But it's clear, to me at least, that this wasn't some plan hatched by the Bugeaters.

It would be good if we could get some sort of explanation from hackkyckling because if he was trying to pull something on his own it potentially could have hurt two teams. Unfortunately I think now both the Bugeaters and Rwanda have a right to be a little put out.

Hopefully this will pass and each side will see how the other would be inclined to react strongly. In the position of Rwanda I think it would be reasonable to be fairly disturbed. In the case of the Bugeaters even the slightest hint of being charged with dishonest tactics when no such intent was given would also be really upsetting.

That's my two cents. I'm going to go back to the #1 v. #2 thread and start from scratch as an interested fan watching two good teams.
Last edited Jun 25, 2008 03:00:51

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