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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Bug with the SS coverage on this play - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #709
The SS is assigned the cover the HB out to his side. However instead of going to cover the HB out to his side, he goes out of bounds and stay in that area. Also this is another play in another game the SS does some crazy things. I would like for some one to look into this please.
SS should cover the HB out to his side, outs out of bounds instead and stay near the side line.
FS has back out the back field not flat zone

Please let me know if these are bugs. Thank you
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jun 26, 2011 10:06:23 (title edit)
Edited by TruthHammer on Jun 19, 2011 22:35:37 (Verified not likely a bug)
Edited by Androth on Jun 17, 2011 21:46:21 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by Androth on Jun 11, 2011 15:14:43 (NEEDS MORE INFO)
Third one, i'm assuming you are referring to the SS, looks like the WR bumped him from taking a better path to the HB, so he fell behind. After that he tried to correct his course but just couldn't do it until he had no choice but to completely stop and run straight. It's rookie league so likely he has a lot more speed than agility.

Second replay is somewhat similar. Perhaps there should be more attempt by lower level players to not try to arc around to a player and just stop and start in a new direction but thats a suggestion. Wouldn't say that play was buggy though.

First one looks the worst. Not sure why the SS would do that. Almost looks like he was set to a zone along the sidelines. He doesn't pay any attention to the HB until the ball is thrown. It also looks like he was somewhat interested in the FB as he came near, which would indicate perhaps he touched the edge of his zone?

On the first replay. I wonder if a player starting out on the weakside of the field would automatically make a player go to his next defensive assignment based on the progressions.
The first one, the SS just goes directly to the side line and out of bounds. I don't see how going out of bounds would be part of a a progressions. The FB was no where near him or his zone and if that was the case, his path should have been toward the FB to pick the FB up. The SS path is directly to the side line.

Replay number two the FS is sign to take the HB out the back field. even if it's the rookie level, a player shouldn't run away from the player he's assigned too. FS flows to the side of the HB and is about 15 yards away and continues to go far left even though the offense runs a screen. The FS continues to go left, until the HB has the ball and run passed him before the FS to change direction. I don't see how that is not a bug. CPU plays don't make that mistake.

It's the moderator call, and I will just have to live with what ever you say, but if these are not bugs and the system has players playing like this, well then I have to question the system as a whole. Too say nothing is wrong with these plays and how the SS and FS responds in these plays, I don't agree.
We will need the build of the SS and his energy level at the time.
Thread moved by moderator.
Drezplace finally got back to me with the builds.

In all instances the safeties had fairly high speed and very low agility. 12agil on one 22agil on another. This is a common issue with players that have high speed and low agility. They make wide sweeping turns because they don't have the agility to make turns at the speed they are going. Think of taking a turn at high speed in a car. If you go too fast it will skid outwards in an arc. That's what is going on in the 2nd and 3rd replays. In the first replay, when you set someone to cover man w/o move. They mirror that players movements until they cross the line of scrimmage. Here that path takes the player out of bounds, and then because of his very low agility it takes him a long time to get turned and head back toward the ball carrier.

Thread moved by moderator.
You have got to be kidding. Dude, there are no speed / agility ratios that would cause the SS to do this: It's a bug.

Originally posted by Androth
In the first replay, when you set someone to cover man w/o move. They mirror that players movements until they cross the line of scrimmage.

Uh ... no, that is not true in the slightest.

The third replay is the only one that is not a bug. That one is a result of low agility.
Edited by jdbolick on Jun 17, 2011 22:21:09
Rule #3 of the Bugs Forum - we have a Bugs Moderation Team for a reason. It is fine to post examples of issues you believe are bugs or to help identify a bug. It is, however, not your place to state whether an issue is a bug or not.
I'm trying to help by correcting this statement:

Originally posted by Androth
In the first replay, when you set someone to cover man w/o move. They mirror that players movements until they cross the line of scrimmage.

Honestly, anyone who plays this game knows that what you said is not true. It's a simple question of facts. What you said is not accurate, and therefore your judgment is invalid. I understand why you're embarrassed about that and threatening me because I corrected you, but isn't it more important to just get this right?
Originally posted by Bort
However it is quite possible to fly out of bounds when over pursuing or getting juked, etc. A lot of defenders (especially at lower levels) will have 90 speed and 40 agility, which makes it pretty hard for them to stop and turn.

The spd agility ratio here is much worse in fact. I suggest you check your facts before ranting in the future.
Edited by Androth on Jun 17, 2011 23:22:24
It is possible to run out of bounds when over-pursuing or getting juked, but neither of those are happening in the linked replays. The SS is in coverage, not over-pursuing or getting juked. You getting hostile and defensive is not helping, and it's not appropriate for a Bugs mod. Please swallow your pride and realize that you said something incorrect, and that I'm actually trying to help by pointing that out.
As you seem incapable of following rules or listening to reason this thread will remain locked for mod replies only.
Lead Bugs Mod
The third one is not a bug. It's a low agility build issue.

I agree that the first and second replays are not bugs, but for a different reasons. When a defender is in man coverage, they attempt to intercept the receiver's path at a point slightly in front of them. The faster the back and more horizontal the route, the further outside that intercept is going to be. This makes the defender's route also very horizontal, which can make it look like they are mirroring the back. Compounding the problem is extremely poor vision, which can cause the defender to choose an even worse trajectory. I believe that's what has happened here. In the first replay, as soon as the HB cuts upfield, the SS recognizes it and tries to adjust. In the second, it takes him a little longer to recognize and adjust, but that's also just lack of vision.

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