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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Pass Interference? - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #697
Watch the RO, who was assigned to the HB, not the FB...

I don't have any additional examples, but it's clear that the FB engaged the RO while the ball was still in the air and prevented the RO from having a chance to knock the ball down.
Edited by TruthHammer on May 31, 2011 21:41:24 (Issue determined not a bug)
Edited by Mike Rogers on May 30, 2011 19:57:36 (2nd)
Edited by Husker2 on May 30, 2011 18:39:36 (1st reponse)
Not sure what you are hoping to accomplish by this thread since pass interference is not a penalty in this game yet......

Also remember that the visual portion of the game is for entertainment purposes for us to watch, BUT it is not 100% accurate, so at times things make look one way based on our visual, but simply not be exactly what happened.

True, the visuals might not match what actually happened, so that is a possibility. But this was Pee-Wee, meaning it wasn't running very fast and I can't imagine the visuals were that far off.

I know pass interference isn't programmed into the sim, so any instance of it would be considered a bug, correct? Well this sure looks like the FB engaged the defender in a block while the pass was still in the air.

I figured I would at least mention it, your call on if it's a real bug or something else.
Edited by Gerr on May 30, 2011 16:40:58
IMHO a play like this is no different than having a defender run straight through the line on a PAT attempt where IRL he would have obviously blocked the kick, but since it isn't programmed into the system it goes as just a regular kick.

If it isn't programmed into the sim, then a ton of possibilities can happen without being called.

The only real possibility I could see here is to take it to the suggestion forum and suggest that the pass interference penalty be incorporated into the game (same as onside kicks, blocked kicks, 2 point conversions, etc...).

As it stands, there is really nothing here that can be fixed.

Edited by TaySC on May 30, 2011 16:46:29
I don't think adding Pass Interference would be a good idea as then they would have to code it so it happens.

I just didn't know if there was any coding logic that would prevent an offensive player from engaging in a block on the defender who is trying to cover the person the pass is going to while the ball is still in the air. If there is and the visuals are correct, then there might be something wrong with that logic. But if there is no logic like that, might be something GLB might want to consider adding.
i really dont think this is a bug. But for the sake of argument we will put it through the verification process for you Gerr.

Marking as not likely a bug
This is the only time I ever saw it happen, but with the new plays where a HB & FB head out for a pass on the same side, it's at least worth the look. Thanks!
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Its borderline if the block is even engaged before the catch, but regardless, as TaySC pointed out, there is nothing here that will be fixed via Bugs, its suggestion territory.

However saying that, if there were numerous examples of this being the most liekly outcome at varied levels, then it would be a candidate for testing to see if there is something in the route timing/pathing that could be done..
doesnt look like it would have been PI anyway, since he was within the 5 yard jab zone when that guy made contact.
Lead Bugs Mod
Also keep in mind GLB is not affiliated with any other football league and does not have to follow their rules. Just because it's illegal to hit another player while the ball's in the air in every other league, doesn't mean GLB has to adhere to that.

Not a bug
Lead Bugs Mod
Thread moved by moderator.

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