Is it true you got fired by LE because of the GL D fail?
Thread Locked by Moderator.
General Trolling: 1 warning - 4 day suspension
Our definition of trolling: Any post that is unconstructive to the topic of the thread, aimed at another user in a negative way is considered trolling. Please do not derail threads with personal attacks, snark, sarcasm or other methods meant to harass or get under the skin of other users.
All cases of trolling will be reviewed by the lead moderators and forum administrators before handing out a possible suspension. We will be doing this because the definition of trolling from one user to another varies and it can also be very difficult to accurately spot some trolls "on the fly".
If a user is trolling another user to harass them, it will fall under the harassment rule. See Major Rules.
General Trolling: 1 warning - 4 day suspension
Our definition of trolling: Any post that is unconstructive to the topic of the thread, aimed at another user in a negative way is considered trolling. Please do not derail threads with personal attacks, snark, sarcasm or other methods meant to harass or get under the skin of other users.
All cases of trolling will be reviewed by the lead moderators and forum administrators before handing out a possible suspension. We will be doing this because the definition of trolling from one user to another varies and it can also be very difficult to accurately spot some trolls "on the fly".
If a user is trolling another user to harass them, it will fall under the harassment rule. See Major Rules.
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