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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > QB scrambling - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #687

Checking on a couple of things about this play.

1. I want to make sure that none of the qb's movements behind the los were scripted. He was sure moving awfully fast for what should be no reason (low speed/agility)
2. Did the QB stop because he tripped over the LOS or is that a normal pause due to low agility/speed?
3. If he did stop in question 2 due to low speed/agility, why does he move so well before hes set out to run?

For the record, that dot is going to be the best dot in the history of ever.
Edited by VolBrian on May 25, 2011 07:34:30 (Not a bug - closed)
Edited by Mike Rogers on May 23, 2011 00:22:17 (2nd)
Edited by TruthHammer on May 19, 2011 22:10:26 (Added File #)
Edited by TruthHammer on May 19, 2011 22:06:16 (Not likely a bug)
He stopped well beyond the line of scrimmage, and only when attempting to calculate and adjust to the best path to avoid the 3 defenders in front of him. I want to look at some more of him before I say anymore then that.
I think stamina had a lot to do with this run as well.

The low speed/agility was indeed the reasoning for the slow down when he decided to cut it outside.. That's widespread all over GLB at that level range. The fact that he only has 12 stamina is why he will progressively get slower on an above average run. I've seen it on all of my Rusher's before getting stamina trained up.
Originally posted by Androth
He stopped well beyond the line of scrimmage, and only when attempting to calculate and adjust to the best path to avoid the 3 defenders in front of him. I want to look at some more of him before I say anymore then that.

I agree that low speed and agility had something to do with it, but he moved rather quickly BEHIND the los didn't he? Originally posted by Pwned IRL
I think stamina had a lot to do with this run as well.

The low speed/agility was indeed the reasoning for the slow down when he decided to cut it outside.. That's widespread all over GLB at that level range. The fact that he only has 12 stamina is why he will progressively get slower on an above average run. I've seen it on all of my Rusher's before getting stamina trained up.

Stamina could be the issue, and I'll be able to take a better look at it down the line because he'll have shitty stamina for a LONG time.
Time Trial

He's doing it again.
Originally posted by Time Trial

He's doing it again.

That's not the same topic as this thread.

That's a different one all together.
Time Trial
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
Originally posted by Time Trial

He's doing it again.

That's not the same topic as this thread.

That's a different one all together.

Sorry I read the topic and assumed this was it. I thought Bort fixed this shit? Why are the QBs running back to a waypoint back in the middle of the play?
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by bug03
1. I want to make sure that none of the qb's movements behind the los were scripted. He was sure moving awfully fast for what should be no reason (low speed/agility)

Based on this time you ran this play, I'd say it's not scripted.
Originally posted by bug03
2. Did the QB stop because he tripped over the LOS or is that a normal pause due to low agility/speed?
3. If he did stop in question 2 due to low speed/agility, why does he move so well before hes set out to run?

The main issue here is agility. Behind the LOS he moves in a broad arc. The long hesitation shortly after he gets across the line is because he tries to turn at about a 90 degree angle. The fact that it was near the LOS may have something to do with him looking further downfield for threats when he transitioned from scrambling to rushing. It might just be a coincidence that's when he chose to evade them.

There's nothing buggy here.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Agreed, the behaviour when he makes that cut is pretty consistent to similar builds and occurs at all points of the field, so I dont think its LoS related.

Speed is pretty consistent, except for the cut, which is quite a large angle relative to his level/build.

Originally posted by bug03

For the record, that dot is going to be the best dot in the history of ever.

Seen a few like that being built recently.... trend setter imo.

Edited by Mike Rogers on May 23, 2011 00:18:34
Rocky Top
I agree that there is nothing buggy about this play in particular. He was moving along fine until he needed to put a move on the three defenders and that see, cut, continue type movement cost him his momentum.

Giving third and closing.
Rocky Top
Thread moved by moderator.
Rocky Top
Thread moved by moderator.
Rocky Top
Thread moved by moderator.

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