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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Cover Zone Immediately (Fail to fire) - NOT A BUG
Brett Snyder
So I'm going over the scrim my team had tonight, and one of the plays I am testing out for the playoffs is a ROLB/LOLB Cover Zone Immediately in the Flats. I can't show the play, but when watching the LOLB does his job and runs directly for the flats, but the ROLB hesitates as if hes reading the backfield.

I first went back and checked my play, and it is set correctly.

The scrim is private, but if a mod is able heres the play -

Once again, it is set correctly even though it appears otherwise. And from my understanding, there isn't a vision check before the player goes to there zone.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 19, 2011 13:33:20 (Private Scrim)
Rule #6 of the Bugs Forum - Bugs Mod or QA can not view private scrimmages. Do not post links to private scrimmages. If you do the thread will be locked and labeled as not a bug.


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