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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > DBs run directly away from ballcarrier - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #670

I've seen defenders take some weird angles, but I've never seen one quite like this.
WR catches the ball in the middle of the field at the defense's 16. MLB and LOLB are at the left hash mark around the 7 yard line, and the SS and CB2 are outside the right hash mark around the 9 yard line.
WR changes direction from left to right, running directly at the CB2 and SS, but they react by running directly away from him! When the WR gets to the hash mark, the CB2 and SS wise up and come back toward the WR. But by then the damage is done, they have retreated all the way to the 2 yard line, and the WR picks up 13 yards after the catch.
Edited by TaySC on May 2, 2011 17:33:26
Edited by Mike Rogers on Apr 28, 2011 21:05:58 (Needs to be filed - moved)
Edited by j_reimy on Apr 25, 2011 14:09:35 (Changed classification)
Edited by TruthHammer on Apr 25, 2011 11:37:14 (Likely a bug)
Edited by TruthHammer on Apr 18, 2011 20:46:11 (Needs more info)
That is weird... I get the pathing all the way up to when the WR catches ball, maybe both the CB and SS failed multiple vision checks ( yet why would CB/ SS keep backing up with no one to cover)? The other defenders are reacting correctly.
Edited by AlBarsch on Apr 17, 2011 08:53:54
Very odd -- seems as if the CB and SS mimic the movements of the WR.

We need more, just one
Lead Bugs Mod
I believe this is a duplicate of this bug:

It's the same in that the defender is taking an unnecessarily steep intercept angle. In this case, the offensive player is running toward the defenders so their steep angle trajectory actually makes them run away from the runner. According to the thread, it was resolved the same day this game was played, 4/15.

I'll put this one in NMI for now, just in case.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I believe this is a duplicate of this bug:
Happened yesterday with the SS and wondering if this also falls under same category as that verification/this thread...

Edited by rivergato on Apr 19, 2011 05:36:38
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by rivergato
Happened yesterday with the SS and wondering if this also falls under same category as that verification/this thread...

He does take a steep angle, but it's not as bad as TrevJo's or some of those from the other thread. It could just be a vision issue. I'd like to see something a little more obvious.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
He does take a steep angle, but it's not as bad as TrevJo's or some of those from the other thread. It could just be a vision issue. I'd like to see something a little more obvious.

Vision is just shy of 88
I agree that river's is not as obvious as mine but only because the defender starts out in a position such that moving up in the Y axis is not a bad thing. That said, there are some similarities:
-WR and DB are both moving in the same X direction and same Y direction
-WR is between the hash marks when the DB pathing is bad
-DB fixes his pathing after a little while

Whereas the example in the OP of the other thread has both the correct X direction and correct Y direction (albeit at an incorrect angle).

What worries me is that river's replay is from 4/18 and the fix went in on 4/15.
Edited by TrevJo on Apr 19, 2011 10:17:01
Lead Bugs Mod
I agree his looks suspicious, I'd just like to see something more obvious. Even with high vision, he's capable of making a bad decision occasionally. If this bug really is still an issue, then it shouldn't be too difficult to get more examples like TrevJo's or those from the original thread.
Lead Bugs Mod
Ok, I saw a pretty killer example of this issue in my game today. 4 Defenders run the wrong way on this play:

I'm going to double check with Catch to see if this really is the same issue as the one marked resolved or if I need to open a new case. In the mean time, please keep an eye out for more replays.
Rage Kinard
There is an open bug somewhere with this happening to the defender who is assigned to cover the receiver who catches the ball. Now it is apparently spreading to other defenders as well.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by TruthHammer

I'm going to double check with Catch to see if this really is the same issue as the one marked resolved or if I need to open a new case. In the mean time, please keep an eye out for more replays.

OK, Catch says the other one I mentioned is not the same thing as this. So we can file this separately. Still holding for another replay or two to give the testers and developers more data to work with.

Originally posted by Rage Kinard
There is an open bug somewhere with this happening to the defender who is assigned to cover the receiver who catches the ball. Now it is apparently spreading to other defenders as well.

I'm having trouble finding the one you're talking about. Is this it?
Do you know how long ago it was created?

Strange reactions from both the SS and CB2 on this play in multiple ways. The SS and CB2 run parallel to the WR after the catch---it's a weird angle to take especially when you consider the immediate angle reaction that CB4 takes to intercept the WR which imo is the correct one.
After that happens the SS veers away the WR after he changes his running angle along that same vector.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by rivergato

Strange reactions from both the SS and CB2 on this play in multiple ways. The SS and CB2 run parallel to the WR after the catch---it's a weird angle to take especially when you consider the immediate angle reaction that CB4 takes to intercept the WR which imo is the correct one.
After that happens the SS veers away the WR after he changes his running angle along that same vector.

I don't have as much of an issue with CB2, but the SS is definitely having the same problem here.
Several examples of the same type of behavior...verifying as likely a bug

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