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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Weird audible it happened again - NOT A BUG
Here is the old thread.

Here is the replay (different play call)
I just don't see what the TE is doing on the left side.

Here is the way the play was set in the package

(by the way the previous instance is the play with the 0% in this package).
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 15, 2011 15:25:46
Edited by tragula on Apr 14, 2011 23:43:37
Edited by tragula on Apr 14, 2011 23:43:27
is the audible button checked? If so it's probably doing it stupidly and following basic tactics of TE block left vs. TE block right
Bugs Moderator
also if you have any auto adjust on inside the package or inside the AI itll override what you want...
TE is clearly pass blocking. The DE took an inside rush, not an outside rush - probably because the TE was sitting there waiting for him.

Allowing the QB to audible the TE to block in the when the QB feels reads blitz gives the QB the option to have the TE "Pass Block Left" or "Pass Block Right".

Originally posted by kuaggie
is the audible button checked? If so it's probably doing it stupidly and following basic tactics of TE block left vs. TE block right

Yes auidible button are checked for both HB and TE (FB was set to block). I had to check, but the basic setting is set to 100% run route for HB, TE and FB.

Originally posted by gbororats
also if you have any auto adjust on inside the package or inside the AI itll override what you want...

No it won't

Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
TE is clearly pass blocking. The DE took an inside rush, not an outside rush - probably because the TE was sitting there waiting for him.

Allowing the QB to audible the TE to block in the when the QB feels reads blitz gives the QB the option to have the TE "Pass Block Left" or "Pass Block Right".


Three issue:
1) 5 man rush and 8 man in protection. As far as I know the QB can call one blocker per one blitz (DL not counting as blitz)
so no clue why he called for two blockers.
2) The TE audible should go to the right side. Right ?
3) Like the previous example, a missed vision check is involved (this time by the RG, previously by the FB)
Edited by tragula on Apr 15, 2011 07:58:04
Originally posted by tragula
Three issue:
1) 5 man rush and 8 man in protection. As far as I know the QB can call one blocker per one blitz (DL not counting as blitz)
so no clue why he called for two blockers.
2) The TE audible should go to the right side. Right ?
3) Like the previous example, a missed vision check is involved (this time by the RG, previously by the FB)

1) Who says AFAIK, he can call the HB, FB and TE - all three if he feels necessary.

2) Allowing the QB to audible the TE to block in the when the QB feels reads blitz gives the QB the option to have the TE "Pass Block Left" or "Pass Block Right"

3) Interesting. I'd be curious to see if there are plays where the QB calls for more blockers, and there was NOT a vision check failure.

Traq - I'm sorry, but I personally don't see a bug here.


1) I cannot argue about what the sim is intended to do or not (I have not Bort quote to refer to). I PMed catch to shed light on this

(Imo, bug evaluation is not about 'made up ideas' but about facts. If, like in this case, it is unknown what is 'working as intended' then bug mod's job is to find out)

2) I mean that any logical QB, will call the TE to the right side in this specific play.

3) Only interesting if this is 'not working as intended'. I will keep looking for more examples.


Catch's answer:

Don't really think it's a bug. When you set it to audible, the QB looks to see if a blitz is coming by passing a vision check. If he sees one, the sim will check to see what audible settings you have and randomly keep blockers in based upon those settings. While it's more likely that they will only keep one blocker in if it's only one blitzer, there is a chance that they will keep in a second/third blitzer. It's the inherent risk you take with the audibles as you can't 100% control who is kept in and who runs a route. Also TE can pass block left when audibled, it says so on the tactics page.
So -- what to do now Traq?

|---> Move to 'not a bug'.
| Then I will ask in Q&A get an opposite answer
|---<- Find a new example

Dr. E
It's a bug. Well, not really a bug, just a bad blocking scheme. I've noticed that there is a higher percentage of sacks from the left when the TE is blocking there than when he is blocking on the strong side.
Issue determined not to be a bug.

Locked and moved.

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