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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > So how close does the defense have to be to tackle a player???? - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #653

Please tell me it has to be closer then 2 yards, and atleast have the defensive dot shrink as if he is attempting a diving tackle....
Edited by Lensar on Apr 11, 2011 05:19:19 (not a bug)
Edited by TruthHammer on Apr 8, 2011 15:41:00 (3rd response disagree with the first 2 - needs coordinator)
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 8, 2011 00:09:26 (2nd responder)
Edited by Husker2 on Apr 7, 2011 17:35:21 (1st response)
Or you can not run a risky play at your own goalline...
Dot are a graphical representation of a players location on the field. Not always will the dot be in the proper "spot". In these cases, the textual description of the play is correct.

This is not a bug.


Mods - I don't think we need to push this into bugzilla?
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Dot are a graphical representation of a players location on the field. Not always will the dot be in the proper "spot". In these cases, the textual description of the play is correct.

This is not a bug.


Mods - I don't think we need to push this into bugzilla?

they should atleast be close....

The dots making the tackle aren't even close to the ball handler.....

If you want another example i can give you one....
You are welcome to offer up more replays. (Rule #5 of the bugs forum tells us one replay is not enough to make a determination).

Lets see a bunch of them

Rocky Top
The thing with this replay, and it's been like this forever, is that it's a safety. Replays of safeties do not show the final few frames of the play. They will nearly always look just like this when in fact the defensive player really did finish the play.

We've sent this up before but I can't remember if it was unfix-able or just not worth it at the time.

Provide more replays of this happening on safeties and I would be inclined to send it up again.
Edited by VolBrian on Apr 6, 2011 15:48:01
Here's one -- not as blatant, but I think similar.
The most frequent times these weird replays occur is on turnovers.

A safety to me probably fits that description.
Pretty sure this is just a vision issue, but just to be sure we can run it thru the process.

Marking as Not Likely a Bug
I am in my busy season at work right now, so if we can wait until after the 19th of April to close this I would greatly appreciate it......

Huskers -- a vision issue?

I'm not sure what you mean by that. Lead bug mod says this is a known issue on a safety. From what Brian says this is a difference in the graphical representation of what happened vs. the text description.

This is not a bug, per say, but a situation where the graphics don't match the text. In these cases we are taught to trust the text.

Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by VolBrian
The thing with this replay, and it's been like this forever, is that it's a safety. Replays of safeties do not show the final few frames of the play. They will nearly always look just like this when in fact the defensive player really did finish the play.

We've sent this up before but I can't remember if it was unfix-able or just not worth it at the time.

Provide more replays of this happening on safeties and I would be inclined to send it up again.

A quick look through all of the safeties in WL this season gave me these.

I'm inclined to send it up as well. Completely missing frames is not the same as simply the graphics not matching the text, especially with this kind of consistency. I searched on "safety" and couldn't find anything related in Bugzilla.

Marking Needs Coodinator

The visual representation isn't always as precise as we may like, and it does seem that on sacks, and especially safeties, the replay ends a couple frames early. And while this could probably go either way, I am going to consider it an enhancement/suggestion and not a bug.

Marking as NOT A BUG.
Thread locked by moderator.

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