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I think I'm still on track for a damn good punter. Aiming for three pieces of AEQ, none of them have been purchased yet, first one has just begun so I'm missing +9 in punting in terms of total build, but that doesn't matter right now. EQ is progressively coming out of strength, but will be there to balance strength at 100 ish at end build.

After running the player builder and adding on the equipment I should have (all advanced EQ is SA based by the way) the bold numbers next to it are end build.

Punter Number 1 (Lv. 32 P)
Ht/Wt: 6'2", 250lbs

Physical Attributes
Strength: 89.54 (+12) - 99.50
Speed: 6 - 9
Agility: 40.17 - 64.16
Jumping: 40.17 - 64.16
Stamina: 6 - 37
Vision: 43.17 - 80.16
Confidence: 48.54 - 87.49

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 10
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 104.54 (+15) - 150.5

Special Abilities
Punting Abilities
Calm Nerves: 1 - 11
Hang Time: 1 - 11
Big Boot: 1 - 14

Additional Abilities
Aura of Intimidation: 0
Veteran Abilities
Clutch: 3
Leg of Steel: 7

You don't need that much stamina.

You might consider capping speed or at least training it up a bit.

I wouldn't put those EQ points into Strength but you obviously have a build idea. Not saying it's wrong but those points might better serve your build if they went into punting.

If these are the numbers you end up with you should have success.
So you think more than 150 points in punting is required? 90 Strength and 160 in punting would probably be a little overkill I would have thought.

I can stop training stamina earlier and go for speed instead but I'm not sure the reasoning for this. Is it a purely defensive minded thing that he's quick?
Edited by magicalmrrich on Apr 6, 2011 11:26:25
I didn't say anything is required. The punting/strength balance is up to you. I would err on the side of more punting considering it is by far the most important stat for a punter. Strength in the 80-90 range is great.

Speed actually impacts punting. It's not just a matter of running faster. Stamina into the low to mid 20's will be more than sufficient.
i don't see why you wouldn't put all equipment in punting, man. like mpjacobs1 said, punting is by far the most important attribute for any type of punter.

i also would not put strength before confidence. you might just explode the ball!
I'd agree with putting all EQ into punting. My 2nd oldest punter has 171 punting and he's averaging 48 yards in his first season of decline after 4 seasons of about 50 yards per punt. Only 80 strength.
Originally posted by choco
I'd agree with putting all EQ into punting. My 2nd oldest punter has 171 punting and he's averaging 48 yards in his first season of decline after 4 seasons of about 50 yards per punt. Only 80 strength.

Damn Choco, that 's a very efficient build. All that and you even managed to get tackling almost to the first cap!
The tackling was all from training and it was a complete waste. I haven't made a tackle going on 13 seasons.
Wow... that build is crazy.

I could swap out the 12 strength, would still have over 80 strength, would give me 162 punting, less stamina... more speed.... I see your points. This would give me also more SP to spend in confidence.

If I compare this build though with yours, it doesn't come close, but then again, my punter will never be level 78... will only ever be level 72, so of course I will have 30 less SP than your punter, hence why I couldn't work out why my confidence or punting isn't as high.
I think the last 30 points went to speed and jumping. At level 72, both were probably in the 35 range. ALGs for those 6 levels helped punting and confidence a lot. Remember, this is a pre-archetype punter, so he only had 2 majors and 6 minors (including throwing?).

I also don't want to give you the impression that you have to build your guy a certain way or your P will fail. Outside of getting punting, confidence, and vision withing a general range there are a lot of ways you can attribute your remaining points and have a good P. You are on track to have a very good punter.
Yup, your guy has an excellent build for sure and he'll be very good.

There's no 1 correct way to build a punter (and I'm doing a bunch of experimental punters with my younger guys too).
Well, it's the first time I've actually gone for a punter so it's nice to get the opinion of some guys who have great veteran players.

I guess the reason why I was neglecting speed before is the fact I was taking the building of the player very literally and the descriptions of what each attribute does. Speed from what everything says, seems to not be a factor in the punting of a ball at all, which is why I found it interesting that you guys seem to think he needs it.

I've been quite encouraged by the strength aspect I suppose based purely on the fact that the dot last season had best punt average and this season looks set to repeat that. I suppose the test is coming next season, looking purely at stats it seems most people see a big jump in yardage in their 4th season and it'll be interesting to see if he maintains what he's been doing.

You know who is having a better season than my 171 P guy? My oldest punter! 661 days old! 3 seasons into decline! Poorly built initially too!

That's how important the actual build is on a punter or the depths of how little we know about punter mechanics.
Have to say though, if the performances are anything to go by so far he's lining up to be very good. Two punts yesterday of 55 yards as a level 33 punter, both of which were within the 10 out of bounds, one of those going inside the 5.

Very proud of this one... can't wait until I break the 60 yard barrier.

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