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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > KL time in lower leagues - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

This seems like a disproportionately LONG time for a WR to be in possession of the ball for this to still count as a KL. Is the KL window wider in lower leagues? Because I don't think it should be this long.

23 ticks from the moment the ball stabilized over the WR's dot, to the moment that first contact was made with the CB. Is that normal? It seems exceptionally long to me, but I'm just curious and think this should have been a fumble... but it's university league, so I'm not terribly miffed, just curious.
Edited by Androth on Apr 16, 2011 09:05:20 (ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG)
Edited by Androth on Apr 7, 2011 00:44:13 (NEEDS MORE INFO)
Originally posted by MileHighShoes

This seems like a disproportionately LONG time for a WR to be in possession of the ball for this to still count as a KL. Is the KL window wider in lower leagues? Because I don't think it should be this long.

23 ticks from the moment the ball stabilized over the WR's dot, to the moment that first contact was made with the CB. Is that normal? It seems exceptionally long to me, but I'm just curious and think this should have been a fumble... but it's university league, so I'm not terribly miffed, just curious.

dot is a cpu... you're lucky he even tied his shoes and got on the field with his pads on correctly.
Originally posted by MileHighShoes

This seems like a disproportionately LONG time for a WR to be in possession of the ball for this to still count as a KL. Is the KL window wider in lower leagues? Because I don't think it should be this long.

23 ticks from the moment the ball stabilized over the WR's dot, to the moment that first contact was made with the CB. Is that normal? It seems exceptionally long to me, but I'm just curious and think this should have been a fumble... but it's university league, so I'm not terribly miffed, just curious.

Looks like it should have been a fumble to me also but he was juggling the ball so to speak before he gained control.
Normally the question would be: We need to know his build. How much catching and carrying does he have; Does he have any catch ball aeq or sa's or va's?

But it's a cpu and at that level, you're lucky he's not mentally retarded (refer to my first post)
It looks a little bit buggy.

Kind of a tough call really, he was juggling the ball, but it seems to be that when the dot shrinks with the ball on top a catch is typically made. The dot grew to normal size and then he was hit.

If I had to guess I would of thought it was a fumble.

We'll need to see this happen more than one time to make any verifications.
It does look buggy, wonder if it's just a visual thing.
This looks funny, but we will need more then one replay.

Originally posted by bug03
dot is a cpu... you're lucky he even tied his shoes and got on the field with his pads on correctly.

The WR hit the ground (shrank) and the ball did not. I can only think of two scenario's where this might occur.
1)He is a juggling circus performer
2)He was in possession of the ball when he fell

No new info.

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