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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Unlocking 4th level of attribute gives no increase over level 3? - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I have speed on one of my players at level 3 unlocked, +30%

Training shows 9.1% gain in 4 way multi.

I just paid 20 BT to unlock level 4, 40% and training still shows 9.1%.

I thought maybe it was a visual bug, but after waiting till I had 8 BT tokens today and manually 4 way training so I can see the increase, I only gained 9%. 35 to 44

So can I get my 20 BT back?

Attribute I am training is base 76.
Edited by Androth on Mar 30, 2011 18:51:05 (ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 25, 2011 22:58:51 (2nd)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 25, 2011 12:38:00 (Added File #)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 25, 2011 12:36:15 (Not likely a bug)

Maybe we can get Mike Rogers to run this through on the test server to verify.

Otherwise I don't have a player with the right conditions for testing..

Hold tight for us, as I believe it should increase %'s when enhancing attributes.
Nothing to verify. It is true.

GLB rounds training bar to integer percentages. Once the training gain is below 5% is is likely that a 10% bonus will give the same result (and it can also happen between 5-10%, but less common).

1) 4% * 1.1 = 4.4% both rounded to 4%.
1) 6.8% * 1.1 = 7.48% both rounded to 7%.

the percentage displayed in the bar is rounding to the nearest integer, but I hope the trained % is still increasing at the non-rounded amount?

Lead Bugs Mod
The way I understand it, you apply the enhancement percentage, round it, then apply the multi percentage.

You started with:
5% * 1.3 (enhancement) = 6.5 >> rounded to 7 * 1.3 (multi) = 9.1%

By purchasing the 40% enhancement, you get:
5% * 1.4 (enhancement) = 7 >> rounded to 7 * 1.3 (multi) = 9.1%

You'll see a benefit if/when you get to 82, and the base % drops to 4%:
4% * 1.3 = 5.2 >> 5 * 1.3 = 6.5%
4% * 1.4 = 5.6 >> 6 * 1.3 = 7.8%

or if you purchased the 50% enhancement now:
5% * 1.5 = 7.5 >> 8 * 1.3 = 10.4%

As a side note, I'm basing these base percentages off of tpaterniti's numbers here:

Also, we can't really help you in the bugs forum with any kind of refund. I believe this is working as intended, so if you're dissatisfied, you could try support and see what an admin can do for you.

Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 25, 2011 12:04:48
Rage Kinard
The numbers are correct.

However, I believe that there is an additional aspect

I think it is set up so that

Training % * enhancement = X

Y = round X

Then when multi training is applied

If Y = X then
Y * multi-bonus = Z
round Z

Else if Y>X
Y * multi-bonus = Z
round down Z

Else if Y < X
Y* multi-bonus = Z
round up Z

This is why when the base is 4%, 20% enhancement only gives you 6% on 4 way training.

4% * 1.2 = 4.8

4.8 rounds to 5

5*1.3 = 6.5

6.5 round down = 6

However at 30% enhancement you get

4% * 1.3 = 5.2
5.2 rounds to 5

5*1.3 = 6.5

6.5 round up = 7
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Rage Kinard

If Y = X then
Y * multi-bonus = Z
round Z

Else if Y>X
Y * multi-bonus = Z
round down Z

Else if Y < X
Y* multi-bonus = Z
round up Z

That's some crazy stuff there. Thanks, Rage!
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by stizz
the percentage displayed in the bar is rounding to the nearest integer, but I hope the trained % is still increasing at the non-rounded amount?

training increases at the rounded amount. The decimal value is not stored.

However, it is not always to the nearest integer amount of what shows on training %. As I pointed out above, sometimes it automatically rounds up and others it automatically rounds down based on the initial rounding.

So you could get something that shows 8.1% and actually get 9% every time, or you could see something that shows 6.8% and only get 6% every time.
Thanks for all the info everyone..
Originally posted by User
How exactly are the decimals carried over? Premise: It appears decimal values - whether displayed (multi) or not (normal train) in the expected training value are rounded when applied to your training bar. Is this correct and is it working as intended? 1) In multi train - where decimals are shown - the training bars seem to go up by the rounded up value displayed, e.g. if it's 16.7% the bar goes up 17% and even if it's 16.3%, the bar tends to go up 17% too. It will go up 17% each train, so after 3 trains, you get 51%, not 50% (16.7% * 3) as best I can tell. So is it correct that the decimal is not stored in the training bar? 2) In daily training, there seems to be a similar decimal expected value, though it's not shown. Is this correct? This becomes apparent at high skill values, so when a skill is at 80, the light expected value will be 1% and normal may be 3% whereas at 90, the light value is still 1% but normal may be 2%. When you train, your bar goes up by those displayed 1%, 2%, or 3% each time, again suggesting no stored decimal. However, I am guessing when you get 3% normal, 1% light it's because the expected values are say 2.8% and 1.4% whereas at 2% norm, 1% light, it's because the expecteds are 1.8% and 0.9%. Again, is this roughly correct? Bottom line: The reason I am asking all this is there are funny situations when you're trying to fill out a bar (say speed is at 82 and 94% full) and light takes 6 trains at 1% vs only 2 norm trains at 3%. However, if I wait til 88 to fill the bar, it now takes 3 norm trains at 2%, but I can still do 6 light trains at 1%, so there is a bit of an arbitrage to knowing where norm is of value and where light is of value. Is that disparity WAI? I would have thought there would always be a linear relationship preserved there, but if decimal values aren't stored, then inefficiencies get created. Note: It isn't just apparent at high values. I've noticed at lower values sometimes as well, usually around the caps.

Originally posted by Bort
Decimals are rounded/chopped off when inserted into the database, as we just store the total gains as integers. No, there's no plans to change that.

Edited by Androth on Mar 30, 2011 22:05:28

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