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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > ROLB man coverage bug ? - ISSUE RESOLVED - CLOSED - #627

ROLB has man coverage FB weak.

I know at this level the vision check isn't always the best. Still, I don't recall anything this extreme ...and it happened 4 times.
Edited by VolBrian on Mar 29, 2011 08:02:35 (Issue resolved - closed)
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Mar 26, 2011 09:42:39 (2nd responder)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 24, 2011 09:45:18 (Added File #)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 24, 2011 09:42:43 (Not likely a bug)
Edited by carumba10 on Mar 23, 2011 17:52:37

FB Screen Weak has a problem
Edited by Buzz42day on Mar 23, 2011 18:02:54
ouch, apparently it does have a problem
ya...i always knew there was a problem with everyone going weak and the FB cutting in...but those low levels really make it look bad.
this makes me laugh
Lead Bugs Mod
He's mirroring the lateral movement of the back. You'll see this type of movement in coverage against backs who are moving laterally all the time, and it's by design. The relatively low agility and vision of the LB is what makes it look so bad when he's late to try to cut back, and when he does try, it takes him forever to get turned around.

If the LB acted more aggressively toward the LOS and this were not a screen, the FB could easily beat him outside, or if they cut upfield, as in the FB Streak, the LB would get caught running the wrong direction and really get burned badly.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
He's mirroring the lateral movement of the back. You'll see this type of movement in coverage against backs who are moving laterally all the time, and it's by design. The relatively low agility and vision of the LB is what makes it look so bad when he's late to try to cut back, and when he does try, it takes him forever to get turned around.

If the LB acted more aggressively toward the LOS and this were not a screen, the FB could easily beat him outside, or if they cut upfield, as in the FB Streak, the LB would get caught running the wrong direction and really get burned badly.


I understand the mechanics of lower level players who are still building up agility/vision. I could show hundreds of examples of players on rollerskates who take the wrong angle or don't adjust their angle very quickly...which is completely understandable.......but nothing this extreme. The LB isn't just "late". I understand your example of a back heading to the flats and then turning it upfield. I see it all the time at this level. Yes, the backer or safety ends up being a step behind but he at least "trys" to get where he is supposed to be.

For example. His original pursuit angle is correct until the FB heads more upfield. Then the LB has to correct. He is slow in his correction but at least he tries to adjust. Which makes perfect sense.

The original example given the LB never recognizes the play.

I went and looked at your last 5 or 6 games. You have called this play 17 times. As you said, there were 4 times that the LB behaved oddly. All four times from the same game. The other 13 times this play was called the LB behaved what I think you would call "normally".

Since this does not occur 100% of the time, and since it only occurred against the same opponent, I don't feel this is a bug.

Originally posted by carumba10

ROLB has man coverage FB weak.

I know at this level the vision check isn't always the best. Still, I don't recall anything this extreme ...and it happened 4 times.

Actually the thing is..... even if the ROLB was supposed to cover the FB weak, that doesn't apply on screens. LB's even higher up don't automatically follow the RB/FB if you assign them to cover them out of the backfield for screens.

The replay you gave in your last post where the FB ran a route to the weakside and the ROLB covered him is a different situation altogether.

Initially to me that first replay actually really looked like the ROLB was assigned to a zone and just ran to that spot. Was the ROLB assigned to anything else other than FB weak?
Originally posted by rocklee711
Originally posted by carumba10

ROLB has man coverage FB weak.

I know at this level the vision check isn't always the best. Still, I don't recall anything this extreme ...and it happened 4 times.

Actually the thing is..... even if the ROLB was supposed to cover the FB weak, that doesn't apply on screens. LB's even higher up don't automatically follow the RB/FB if you assign them to cover them out of the backfield for screens.

The replay you gave in your last post where the FB ran a route to the weakside and the ROLB covered him is a different situation altogether.

Initially to me that first replay actually really looked like the ROLB was assigned to a zone and just ran to that spot. Was the ROLB assigned to anything else other than FB weak?

LB was only assigned to FB Weak. I double checked to make sure it wasn't FB Weak /WR1

I didn't realize man coverage didn't work on back screens. Why wouldn't it ? Shouldn't it ?

Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish

I went and looked at your last 5 or 6 games. You have called this play 17 times. As you said, there were 4 times that the LB behaved oddly. All four times from the same game. The other 13 times this play was called the LB behaved what I think you would call "normally".

Since this does not occur 100% of the time, and since it only occurred against the same opponent, I don't feel this is a bug.


Thanks for doing the research.

Apparently though our definition of a bug differs. Since we likely both agree the LB pathing was not as it should be, what exactly would you call it ? The first response to my post also had 4 examples of the exact same LB pathing vs the FB screen. So it's more than just a random event in a single game.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by carumba10

I didn't realize man coverage didn't work on back screens. Why wouldn't it ? Shouldn't it ?

Why wouldn't it ? - because Bort can't figure out how to make screen plays work without gimping defenses and making the players react to screens in an illogical manner

Shouldn't it ? - yes
Do we have links of the ROLB not acting funny going to the outside on this play?

From the announcement today -- it seems that this is indeed a bug - and has been fixed.


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