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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Collision Issue - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #610 - VERIFIED

FB and MLB go through each other. Speed script shows a slow down and it may be a visual MLB breaks block, but like the rest of mine tonight, don't look right
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Mar 16, 2011 12:31:45 (3rd Responder - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG )
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 16, 2011 07:28:55 (Verified FB issue not a bug, will look into TE actions having an effect.)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 16, 2011 07:18:57 (Added File #)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 16, 2011 07:15:53 (Not likely a bug)
Looks like a visual mismatch to me, they might not have actually been that close and just peripheraled right by each other.

I'd say not a bug, bug.
Originally posted by robponce
Looks like a visual mismatch to me, they might not have actually been that close and just peripheraled right by each other.

I'd say not a bug, bug.

I think it's visual too, but then I thought, "why wouldn't the fb pick up the mlb." and then I looked at the speed script. Looks to me like a chip block (like a blitzer gets) dunno. Posted it because I was already on a roll I guess
I'm glad you posted this.
I only had 1 replay saved of it in MY bugs forum that the bugs mods made me start.

Originally posted by stromstarhammer
FB just whiffs past the SS.
Slows for a split second, and chooses someone new.
Why the whiff?
Preseason season 21

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
In both Replays it looks like the FB was unable to make a block, and proceeded to the next available person.
So probably not a bug in that respect.

Might need to dig around a bit to make sure its not the Norm for FBs to allow the first Defender past, and that there is usually an attempt to block or delay the first D Pursuit.

Reason I say that is the Action of the TE in both replays, he pulls outside, then has to chase the DE back inside to seal.

IF the FB is letting the first D Pursuit through everytime the TE dives back inside, then it might be a Bug.

(Edit : I do remember that at one point the TEs inability to opt back inside to seal the DE was causing all Pitch and Sweeps to be shut down for a Loss, so this might be a compromise we have to live with?)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 16, 2011 06:14:24
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Mike Rogers
In both Replays it looks like the FB was unable to make a block, and proceeded to the next available person.

I agree. The FB slows down near the first defender in both replays. In the first replay, the MLB slows down as well. That makes me believe there is an attempt to block on both of these plays. I went and watched all 15 times your team has run this play this preseason, bug, and I saw this behavior 2 more times in addition to the one you posted. It seems pretty reasonable that the FB would miss his block 3 out of 15 times. As for them just passing right through each other, I agree with both of you that's just visual.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I agree. The FB slows down near the first defender in both replays. In the first replay, the MLB slows down as well. That makes me believe there is an attempt to block on both of these plays. I went and watched all 15 times your team has run this play this preseason, bug, and I saw this behavior 2 more times in addition to the one you posted. It seems pretty reasonable that the FB would miss his block 3 out of 15 times. As for them just passing right through each other, I agree with both of you that's just visual.

I agree with you, but only because the dots do seem to slow down, so I would assume its a weak block roll and a good break block roll. Unless anybody has anything else to offer, I assume not a bug.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I agree. The FB slows down near the first defender in both replays. In the first replay, the MLB slows down as well. That makes me believe there is an attempt to block on both of these plays. I went and watched all 15 times your team has run this play this preseason, bug, and I saw this behavior 2 more times in addition to the one you posted. It seems pretty reasonable that the FB would miss his block 3 out of 15 times. As for them just passing right through each other, I agree with both of you that's just visual.

Was there any links where the player blocked and released instead of the insta release?

There could be an issue inside here on this play, where a bug prevents the FB from being able to engage the block. So I guess I'm asking if there are any situations where the block was picked up and broken in a more regular visual scenario.
showing the different types of blocks

I'm not seeing the plays truthhammer is taking about
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by bug03

I'm not seeing the plays truthhammer is taking about

The OP was the Strong I Sweep, so that's the play I checked. Here are the other 2 examples I found where the FB misses the block:
3rd Responder.

I agree that this is not a bug.

Closed, Locked, moved and PM'd OP.

That's my D in the OP

But anyways, agree with the statements made in this thread...... FB does make an attempt to block the MLB in pursuit and just whiffs (which is understandable) and then passes on the the next dot he can get to (the LOLB).

Mike Rogers makes an interesting point on the TE especially on the OP replay but I see it as it was a combination of the LOLB being slow to react to that play and the fact that the LDE was getting off his block that had the TE chip down and cut off the LDE. Honestly hadn't seen any issues of TE's blocking on pitches.


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