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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Offensive players are blocking WAY TOO EARLY while the ball isn't even in the air yet - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #601
Issue: Players are blocking WAY TOO come?? This is illeagal. The ball isn't even in the air yet.

Replays: these are all from our very first pre-season game

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Edited by Pwned IRL on Mar 12, 2011 01:40:20 (3rd Response - Not a bug)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Mar 12, 2011 01:39:57 (Issue determined NOT A BUG)
Edited by Androth on Mar 10, 2011 23:20:08 (VERIFIED)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 10, 2011 22:54:45 (Added File #)
Edited by TruthHammer on Mar 10, 2011 22:41:11 (Changed to not likely a bug and moved back out to the main bugs forum.)
Lead Bugs Mod
There is no pass interference on a ball thrown behind the line of scrimmage.

Not a bug.
Lead Bugs Mod
After being questioned on my ruling here, I went and checked some rulebooks.

After re-reading the NFL rule, it says there is no penalty if the contact is behind the line of scrimmage, not if the the pass is behind the line of scrimmage. If there is contact downfield prior to the ball being touched, it is pass interference.

I couldn't find an official NCAA source. I did find a couple of sites that said pass interference is not possible on a screen pass, but I think they may have been referring to defensive pass interference.

Obviously, there is no pass interference penalty in GLB by design, so to comply with football rules, the offensive linemen should be restricted in their ability to block before the ball is touched.

However, it is my opinion that the play is currently working as Bort intended it to, and adding the logic that would restrict the offense from blocking is a feature that belongs in the suggestions forum.

I'm going to say this is not likely a bug, but I'll move it back out to the main bugs forum to let the other bugs mods weigh in.
GLB generally goes by NFL Rules.

Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to:
(a) Blocking downfield by an offensive player prior to the ball being touched.

That being said, I also believe this is working as intended. Holding back the FB/RT on these plays you would have 3LB's and a Safety standing on the HB before the ball is thrown. I'm not sure this is a rule that can be followed in dotball.


Edited by Androth on Mar 10, 2011 23:41:35
Edited by Androth on Mar 10, 2011 23:22:00
Edited by Androth on Mar 10, 2011 23:21:54
Edited by Androth on Mar 10, 2011 23:16:42
Originally posted by Androth
GLB generally goes by NFL Rules.

Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to:
(a) Blocking downfield by an offensive player prior to the ball being touched.

Seems right

Originally posted by Androth

That being said, I also believe this is working as intended. Holding back the FB/RT on these plays you would have 3LB's and a Safety standing on the HB before the ball is thrown. I'm not sure this is a rule that can be followed in dotball.


Unless they decide to code it so it will work. The OL is allowed to block any defenders that attempts to cross the LOS, so the only issue is teaching the HB to follow his blockers.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
pass interference.pass interferencepass interference.pass interferencein.

Pass interference is irrelevant when you're talking about an illegal downfield block, which is what I got from the OP.

Regardless, there is no illegal downfield block on those plays. IIRC 5 yards within the line of scrimmage you can make contact all you want. The WRs don't make contact before then. They run a stalk block, which is perfectly legal in any level of football.
Little Dragon

On the first one the FB has engaged the SS and LOLB before the ball is in the air. This is preventing anyone from covering the HB on a pass play and then the RT engages the SS with a legal block.
Here the TE engages the SS before the pass is in the air preventing him from covering the HB
Here the FB engages the LOLB before the ball is in the air preventing him from covering the HB

offensive players can actually pick defenders while the ball is in the air. Whether the defense is in zone or man-to-man coverage, this puts them at a tremendous disadvantage. (In the NFL, you are not allowed to block downfield while the ball is in the air regardless of where it is caught.)
Edited by Little Dragon on Mar 11, 2011 05:11:31
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by Androth
GLB generally goes by NFL Rules.

Actions that constitute offensive pass interference include but are not limited to:
(a) Blocking downfield by an offensive player prior to the ball being touched.

That being said, I also believe this is working as intended. Holding back the FB/RT on these plays you would have 3LB's and a Safety standing on the HB before the ball is thrown. I'm not sure this is a rule that can be followed in dotball.


LMAO, GLB generally goes by NFL rules??? since when...seriously, its the single biggest reason they don't allow 2 point converts or anything else that is actually American football related...we get this thrown in our face instead of a solution

Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. Goal Line Blitz is not affiliated with the NFL or any other professional football league.

Forgot about that one eh? ^^

This is a bug for sure!
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Forbin
Regardless, there is no illegal downfield block on those plays. IIRC 5 yards within the line of scrimmage you can make contact all you want.

If you read the rule, that is only true for defensive pass interference, since interference can only happen after the ball is in the air. Offensive pass interference can occur any time after the snap.

But that's all irrelevant anyway. This is not the NFL, the NCAA, the CFL, or any other rl football league, and does not have to explicitly follow the rules for any of them. This is Bort's league, and he can dictate the rules in whatever way he wants. If adding a blocking restriction would make the sim more realistic by closer matching other football leagues, then it sounds like a reasonable addition to the game. But the proper channel for making additions to the game is the suggestions forum.

Originally posted by The Avenger
LMAO, GLB generally goes by NFL rules??? since when...seriously, its the single biggest reason they don't allow 2 point converts or anything else that is actually American football related...we get this thrown in our face instead of a solution

Copyright © 2008, all rights reserved. Goal Line Blitz is not affiliated with the NFL or any other professional football league.

Forgot about that one eh? ^^

This is a bug for sure!

First of all, it took 74 years before the NFL included 2-point conversions, and I remember the league still being very fun and competitive prior to 1994. Second of all, Androth was agreeing with me and with you in that statement in saying the play was not consistent with professional football rules, so nobody threw anything in your face. We just both believe they don't have to be consistent with other league's rules, for the very reason you boldly quoted. And so this should be a suggestion.

Truth, you didn't actually understand my post, but it doesn't matter. It's not a bug, and I agree with that assessment, so no point in going on.
Originally posted by TruthHammer

Androth was agreeing with me and with you in that statement in saying the play was not consistent with professional football rules, so nobody threw anything in your face. We just both believe they don't have to be consistent with other league's rules, for the very reason you boldly quoted. And so this should be a suggestion.

I agree that this is better suited for a suggestion.
The thread Illegal Pick on WR Screen - DUPLICATE THREAD has been merged into this thread
i posted this here first to give GLB a chance to correct it.

The wr actually blocks the cb....before the pass is made. its this working as intended?

the cb path to cover this play is terrible by the way.

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