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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Team Alerts when joining a new team- ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
It's not a real big deal of a bug, but I don't think it qualifies as a suggestion either. I would describe it as something that is likely not working as intended. And I'm sure enough of you will have this circumstance right now. When you join a new team, if they've EVER put out a team Alert, you get that flashing icon on your home page. Doesn't matter if it was 2 years old, you've never accessed it, so it's new to you. It's just annoying to have to click on the Alert when you join a new team to find out it's about some defensive tactics from Season 16. If this was a suggestion, the suggestion would be to simply make Alerts expire, but if this is a bug, then Alerts shouldn't work retroactive. If you're not on the team when the Alert goes out, you shouldn't get an alert when you join.
Edited by Androth on Mar 2, 2011 11:45:24 (ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG)
Edited by RMiller517 on Mar 2, 2011 08:31:35
Edited by VolBrian on Mar 2, 2011 08:24:02 (Not likely a bug)
Rocky Top
This isn't a bug, it is definitely a suggestion for Alert expiration. One I have made myself in the past as well.

Not likely a bug
definitely a good suggestion for alert expiration; definitely not a bug.
meh, I think it could be considered a bug. Do you seriously think Bort's intention is to have 2 year old Alerts popping up when you join a new team?
Perhaps not but they are new to you since you hadn't read them before. How would you code it to know whether an alert is still valid or not after a player joins a team.

For example what if the team puts up an alert on day 42 and you join the team on day 43, should you not get the notification about the day 42 alert? Or perhaps there are notices from the previous season that are still valid for new players. What would be the time limit on whether you get notified of alerts.

I see your point but it's not really a "bug" in the sense that it isn't sticking with the alert after you have read it or crashing your browser if you click it. Teams should be more active in not leaving very old/obsolete alerts hanging around. They're not hard to delete.
Edited by alindyl on Mar 2, 2011 09:40:50
This is indeed a suggestion and not a bug. Closing.

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