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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > SS not lining up over TE when set to normal and cover man - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #570
Link (This is why it is a problem) (interesting that he doesn't follow the TE to the weak side.)

Basically I adjusted an existing S20 play that I liked but I set the TE to normal alignment and Cover Man. I expected to see the SS line up directly over the TE to give him tight coverage but instead the TE stayed 10 yds away from the SS.

What gives? I thought that when we set a player to Cover Man the defender would line up on top of the player he is covering. This is why we have cover man w/o move so if we don't want a defender to line up directly over the receiver.
Edited by Catch22 on Aug 3, 2011 02:07:40
Edited by TaySC on Mar 3, 2011 17:02:39
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 20, 2011 13:51:53
Edited by kuaggie on Feb 19, 2011 16:35:27
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 17, 2011 14:43:02 (Likely a bug)
Dr. E
Cover man doesn't put them over the player unless some other conditions are met. For example, if the SS was already in the box the conditions would not be met and the SS would stay where you put him in the play.
In the past I have set CB5 to cover man on WR3 and moved CB3 out of the way and CB5 lined up perfectly over WR3. A more common example would be using a 3-3-5 blitzing all LBs and setting the SS to cover man CB5 and the FS to cover man CB4. Both the FS and SS will line directly over the correct WRs as planned even though the FS and SS are aligned in their normal positions which are not over the WRs.

This new DPC box is messing up safeties ability to cover TEs imo.
cover man w/o move and move the SS up close?

I'm pretty sure this is working as intended, or a very trivial bug as you can customize how you want the SS to line up. By default when set to cover man (regardless of WR) I believe the safety will line up back there, correct?
Originally posted by kuaggie
cover man w/o move and move the SS up close?

I'm pretty sure this is working as intended, or a very trivial bug as you can customize how you want the SS to line up. By default when set to cover man (regardless of WR) I believe the safety will line up back there, correct?

I don't think your last statement is correct but I can't prove it at the moment. I am pretty sure if you set a SS to normal alignment and cover man on WR4 or WR5. His DPC alignment will be out of position but in the play by play he will line up directly over the WR specified. The box seems to be blocking normal coverage behavior.
Here is the closest example I can find to explain what I am describing.

See how the FS is set to normal alignment and cover man WR5? Then see how he lines up directly over WR5 in the PBP? This is the behavior I expect from all players but the box seems to prevent it from working on the TE.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
Here is the closest example I can find to explain what I am describing.

See how the FS is set to normal alignment and cover man WR5? Then see how he lines up directly over WR5 in the PBP? This is the behavior I expect from all players but the box seems to prevent it from working on the TE.

gotcha.....still you gotta view it from bort's perspective. If you can fix the problem manually by covering w/o move, it's very unlikely this'll be looked at by him. I'd say this is possibly a bug but fairly trivial. The bigger issue (which you bring up) is a potential game balance isssue, where a well-built SS will have alot of trouble covering a well built TE, regardless of positioning
Little M
For some reason, the sim is programmed, so that if the safety is "in the box" it doesn't change its starting position to be over the TE. The way to fix it is to move the starting position of the safety on the DAI so it is not "in the box" and it should line up directly over the TE.

Edit to add a play where I have the SS to cover man TE

The SS is still about 5 yards off the LOS, but it is closer than your replays.
Edited by Little M on Feb 17, 2011 12:54:32
Originally posted by kuaggie
gotcha.....still you gotta view it from bort's perspective. If you can fix the problem manually by covering w/o move, it's very unlikely this'll be looked at by him. I'd say this is possibly a bug but fairly trivial. The bigger issue (which you bring up) is a potential game balance isssue, where a well-built SS will have alot of trouble covering a well built TE, regardless of positioning

I don't remember bringing up that point but ok. Basically I wanted to get the SS in the closest possible position over the TE because it is the current resolution to the problem where defenders give up too much cushion if they are not aligned as close as possible to the receiver.

I went through my DPC and moved the SS as close as possible and set him to cover man w/o move. The box still prevents the SS from lining directly over the TE but I can get very close. I guess I will have to wait for the next sims to see if that is enough.
Lead Bugs Mod
I'm not sure how Bort defines "in the box", but that SS looks too deep to be in the box to me. You might want to try moving him a little further outside and see if that helps.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I'm not sure how Bort defines "in the box", but that SS looks too deep to be in the box to me. You might want to try moving him a little further outside and see if that helps.

Um thats the problem. The SS cannot enter the box to cover the TE. I have to align him slightly out of the box which may or may not be good enough.
Same sort of thing here in this replay with the SS set to Cover Man TE and he is placed over the TE but also ends up giving him a Huge Cushion when he is set to only give a cushion of -0.75 yds.

Should he not let the TE close the gap to that distance before just taking off? instead of giving a 5yd cushion and giving up the catch?? I have seen this happen with the LOLB being placed on the TE as well.

Here is the Def used.

Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by AngryDragon
Um thats the problem. The SS cannot enter the box to cover the TE. I have to align him slightly out of the box which may or may not be good enough.

I don't have any trouble doing it with a CB

This looks buggy to me and you've provided plenty of examples.

Edit: I can't connect to Bugzilla right now, so I'll add a file # in a little bit.
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 17, 2011 14:45:18
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 17, 2011 14:45:03
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I don't have any trouble doing it with a CB

This looks buggy to me and you've provided plenty of examples.

Edit: I can't connect to Bugzilla right now, so I'll add a file # in a little bit.

That is very interesting about how you can do this with a CB. I had given up on thinking this was a bug until you pointed that out. Now I think it is a bug again.

I still think it will ultimately be ruled as working as intended.
I'll second it once bugzilla is back up and working

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