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Score..... Matchup
80 - 3..... South Carolina Muddwhomps (12-1) def. Green Bay Ducks (7-6)
32 - 24..... Kansas Chiefs (11-2) def. Pyscho Ward South Wing (10-3)
113 - 3..... Boendby Pee Wee Bengals (11-2) def. Art of Madness (5-8)
28 - 13..... NFL Legends (10-3) def. Canton Assassins (10-3)
55 - 10..... VA Hawks (7-6) def. Keith Miaths (0-13)
35 - 26..... Tulsa PigSkinners (5-8) def. Lone Star Mercenaries (5-8)
35 - 15..... Memphis Kings (4-9) def. Bronson Creek Bonecrushers (1-12)
34 - 24..... Electric Snake Research Group (3-10) def. Israeli Commandos (3-10)
125 - 3..... Jidoor Behemoths (13-0) def. Florida Flamingos (4-9)
208 - 2..... Carolina Flying Tigers (PW) (12-1) def. King Kong's First Dump of the Day (0-13)
172 - 3..... Texas Shorthorns (12-1) def. Tennessee Blue Hounds (3-10)
95 - 08..... Corrupted Mayors (10-3) def. The Blitzers (4-9)
53 - 15..... Unsung Heroes (9-4) def. Columbian Tornadoes (8-5)
54 - 12..... Oakland Baby Pirates (8-5) def. Cascade Surly Goats (4-9)
61 - 12..... Romulus Raw-Dawgs (8-5) def. Hawaii Rainbows (3-10)
48 - 16..... Final Lotus (5-8) def. 1017 Brick Squad (1-12)
Looks like a few good games today!

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