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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Run: pass settings - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #564
This team has had a run/pass ratio setting of 85:15 and zero tactic auto adjust for the last three games. In this broken game called GLB, not one of the past three games has been remotely close in what the sim has run.

What is the difficulty in programming the simulator to run what a person inputs into settings?
When are you guys going to stop working on the gimmicks that don't matter to the gameplay and make the simulations reflect what the input settings are?
I haven't made any changes in the last 3 games to see what the issue might be.
This shouldn't be such a tacit, secretive issue. It should be straight-forward. If I set run/pass to 85:15, the final run/pass ratio should be within 3 percentage points, not 50:50.

People are leaving this game because they feel things about the game mechanics that would have them/me barred for life if we really typed what we feel about them. (Nicely and gently now) they're broken, unreliable, lead to frustration and wasted time in a game, any game, that should be more rewarding in terms of enjoyment.

Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 17, 2011 06:24:33 (Issue determined not a bug)
Edited by rocklee711 on Feb 16, 2011 21:29:46 (2nd Verification - did a game scout of another game and saw the 4th Q play calling by score come into play.)
Edited by Androth on Feb 16, 2011 20:53:05 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 14, 2011 14:38:19 (Needs more info)
Edited by Roughneck on Feb 14, 2011 11:33:23
Is your team using the:

Allow Score Based Play Calling When Leading or Allow Score Based Play Calling When Trailing boxes, and if so which ones?

Edited by Pwned IRL on Feb 14, 2011 11:40:40
welcome to casual, it all depends on your team depth and individual stamina. That plays a role in play calling. Other than that, besides the fact the sim sucks, it is just a matter of setting as best as you can and hope for somewhat the same gameplan.

Wait till you get to the playoffs. You can go in with a 90/10 run/pass and end up throwing it aruond 40 times.
Originally posted by Derekross
welcome to casual, it all depends on your team depth and individual stamina. That plays a role in play calling. Other than that, besides the fact the sim sucks, it is just a matter of setting as best as you can and hope for somewhat the same gameplan.

Wait till you get to the playoffs. You can go in with a 90/10 run/pass and end up throwing it aruond 40 times.

50/50 is NOWHERE near "somewhat". The plays should be called by the same ratio that they are specified, and if stamina is an issue, then those with no gas should be run over.

Both SBPC boxes for Q4 were checked off for leading and trailing. tsk.this shit is fuckingtiresome
Lead Bugs Mod
In those 3 games, your run/pass ratio in the first 3 quarters was 103/30. That's a little skewed toward passing compared to your settings, but that's not surprising since your offense was struggling, you probably saw a lot of 3rd and long. In the 4th, it went to 3/104. That sounds like the kind of results you'd see if "Allow Score Based Play Calling When Trailing" were checked on for the 4th. Since you say it's off, you'll have to give one of us access to you AI or take a screen shot of it. I'll mark this NEEDS MORE INFO for now.

Originally posted by TruthHammer
In those 3 games, your run/pass ratio in the first 3 quarters was 103/30. That's a little skewed toward passing compared to your settings, but that's not surprising since your offense was struggling, you probably saw a lot of 3rd and long. In the 4th, it went to 3/104. That sounds like the kind of results you'd see if "Allow Score Based Play Calling When Trailing" were checked on for the 4th. Since you say it's off, you'll have to give one of us access to you AI or take a screen shot of it. I'll mark this NEEDS MORE INFO for now.

Try to remember that your setting of 85/15 only applies to first down and second and manageable. Once you get into 2nd and long and third and long it starts passing. I will come back to this tomorrow when I have more time to do the math, but I am willing to bet that your first/second down before the fourth quarter are 85/15.

Non-Casual teams can force the AI to do whatever they wish.
Edited by Androth on Feb 14, 2011 23:06:00
I did the math for this game:

Plays which were less then or equal to 2nd and 10 or 3rd and 5 Before the 4th Quarter
39Rushes 5passes = 88.6 percent rushing 11.4 percent passing
Pretty darn close to what you asked for, within 3percent.

Originally posted by Roughneck
Both SBPC boxes for Q4 were checked off for leading and trailing.

I am taking this to mean that the 4th quarter boxes had checkmarks in them. Mostly because that is the way the sim behaved. Having a checkmark in the box turns this feature on.
Roughneck was kind enough to provide this information via PM.

Originally posted by Roughneck
both boxes had a checkmark in them

And therefore - NOT LIKELY A BUG
Edited by Androth on Feb 16, 2011 20:50:38
Per my post in BZ

I actually took a look at this game.

1st Q: Run to pass ratio. 11/4 with 2 passes coming on 2nd and 3rd and
long (over 8 yards).

2nd Q: 16 runs to 7 passes with 4 passes coming on 2nd/3rd and long.

3rd Q: 15 runs to 7 passes and this is with the score already getting out of
hand (over 70 pt margin).

4th Q: this where the numbers get skewed.... 45 passes and 0 runs and again that's where the 4th Q score based play calling was turned on and had them call all passes as they were down by a lot and obviously went away from the run.

So certainly agree with Androth in that it's not likely a bug.
Lead Bugs Mod
OK, we just had a little mis-communication about what "checked off" meant. Since they were checked, this is working as intended for the reasons we've mentioned above.

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