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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > "WTF is this?" WR1 block - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #553

Edited by Husker2 on Mar 7, 2011 17:58:23
Edited by Husker2 on Feb 12, 2011 18:28:09 (marked as NMI)
Originally posted by
Rule #5 of the Bugs Forum - one replay is not sufficient for a play to be deemed a bug. We will look at these instances and if the play's behavior is buggy, we will label the thread as requiring more info (meaning needing more examples). Unless the problem is easily identified and able to be reproduced, the bug will not go any further.

Outside blocker with a chop block?
A WR with maxed out Closing Speed? LOL, obvious block in the back....
That is pretty crazy.
He obviously had closing speed and spin stacked. Closed and then spun in front of the streaking defender to block him from the front. It's science.
Originally posted by TaySC
Originally posted by

Rule #5 of the Bugs Forum - one replay is not sufficient for a play to be deemed a bug. We will look at these instances and if the play's behavior is buggy, we will label the thread as requiring more info (meaning needing more examples). Unless the problem is easily identified and able to be reproduced, the bug will not go any further.

I gotta go with Tay here, i agree it does look weird, but we have to see more replays of it.

Marking as Needs more info for now, anyone feel free to have more replays if you can find them
Originally posted by rjssob
A WR with maxed out Closing Speed? LOL, obvious block in the back....

He isn't talking about the spin at the 35 yard line. He is talking about the block the WR threw down on the FS at the beginning of the play.

The Outside Blocker VA reads: This player blocks well on outside running plays(Weak Side Handoff (I) is an "Outside Running Play).

The effect is: Each level of Outside Blocker gives a +2% to Speed, Agility, Vision, and Blocking, when blocking more than 7 yards out from the initial spot of the ball on rushing plays.

15 points in that will give a 30% boost to speed, Agility, vision, and Blocking. Then factor in First Step and you can see why he shot out of the cannon.

The funny thing is that he failed his block, and fell down.

What you should really be looking at is that he was bumped back into the same space the CB was going to, and they both got stuck there. I am assuming because they couldn't figure out how to path around one another.

You have seen this before when a faster player who could make the play gets hung up behind a slower player.

The block: IMHO not a bug. The hang up of the FS with the CB, now that's something to look into.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
It doesnt even need to be that complicated.

Speedster WR build is enough to generate the initial speed off the snap, and the block he throws is a cut block, not a missed block.
WR blocks FS, CB misses Vision check on the HB as he is in Man with +Pass tactics.
CB and FS start to pursue ball carrier once HB has passed the LoS.

The block doesnt look like a Bug.

Defenders unable to path around each other at times is a persistent issue though.
Originally posted by Mike Rogers
Defenders unable to path around each other at times is a persistent issue though.

Made a suggestions thread about it.
Took 2 weeks to get any attention... now it's dead already
Gave this thread more then enough time to bring up replays. I am going to close as mark as ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

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