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I wanted to share info about the best sports management game on the internet. The game is called Buzzerbeater and its awesome. You manage your own team, train the players, deal with the economy, set your lineups and tactics just like GLB. It isnt an MMO like GLB, you dont build characters like here. Instead you are given starting players, you can train them, sell them in the transfer market, and purchase free agents. It is totally free, you cannot spend real money to give you a better chance of winning like here. They do offer supporter, which costs money, but in no way do the upgrades you get from supporter help you win. Supporter is more about extra stats and bells and whistles like a trophy case and such. Check it out, if you like this game, you will love buzzerbeater. I'm not really even a basketball fan, not like football. But this game is the sh@t.

Here is the Addy, notice this isnt a reference link, i'm not looking to get anything from recruiting you, just passing on info about this cool game.

gonna give it a shot

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