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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Possible TE Blocking Bug - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #544

I want to re-open this as a possible bug to get more eyes on it before we close it.

Here is the original thread:

Originally posted by Dr. E
Watch the TE on this play.

The play has the TE blocking, but he wonders down field. I've never seen that happen before and assume it is just missed vision checks. But how many vision checks would he have to make to run that far out of the play. Seems freakishly improbable to happen.

his vision is 63 and at the time of this play is morale was 100% and stamina around 90%. On the second play he was about 90/80.

Originally posted by Catch22
It could be a problem - question I would have is does this happen every time? If it does, then yes it's a bug. If it doesn't, then it's probably not. Remember players do have certain checks to pass in order to be able to do an activity (like blocking). If they fail these checks then they will often look lost. Too many people expect players to be perfect in every situation. That is not how the game is designed and it is not a bug.

Bug Mods: Please run this through the normal verification process and let it fall where it may.

Edited by TaySC on Feb 24, 2011 15:54:39
Edited by Hikariu on Feb 17, 2011 06:58:00
Edited by RMiller517 on Feb 11, 2011 07:42:50
Edited by Androth on Feb 10, 2011 14:01:18 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by Androth on Feb 8, 2011 16:16:25 (NEEDS MORE INFO)
Another more recent example:

First, I'm going to quote these other two replays in here since they were provided and relevant.

Originally posted by Dr. E
I just took a look at the same opponent's, (Kapolei) following game with Mogadishu. There is some similar behavior from Mogadishu's TE. Same kind of D my TE faced. Whatever the issue, as the Kapolei owner pointed out, it appears to be limited to the I formation.
Then I'm going to tag this as NEEDS MORE INFO. Here is what I think we need to know for sure. Maybe someone else will come up with more.

First, since this was posted on OCT 15, I have to assume that at least the quoted replays were plays made with the old DPC?

Is this and old DPC play as well?
Originally posted by Lensar
Another more recent example:

The old DPC is known to cause blocking issues, that is why the new DPC was created and why the old will be removed next season.

Second, can we get the vision of these TE's?

Third, how often is this happening? Does it seem to be versus a very specific defensive setup or does it occur with frequency?

Dr. E
Originally posted by Androth
First, I'm going to quote these other two replays in here since they were provided and relevant.

Originally posted by Dr. E

I just took a look at the same opponent's, (Kapolei) following game with Mogadishu. There is some similar behavior from Mogadishu's TE. Same kind of D my TE faced. Whatever the issue, as the Kapolei owner pointed out, it appears to be limited to the I formation.

In my last few games I saw this happen once with another formation. Can't recall for sure, but think it was the SI. I'll take some stabs in my past games and see if I can find it.
Dr. E
Originally posted by Androth
The old DPC is known to cause blocking issues, that is why the new DPC was created and why the old will be removed next season.

Second, can we get the vision of these TE's?

Third, how often is this happening? Does it seem to be versus a very specific defensive setup or does it occur with frequency?

I can't say for sure if that is the new DPC, but the Dots set up and actions look like the new DPC. I'll send a message to the owner of the team.

I'll send you a GM, you can look at anything you want.

It happens every time the D is line up inside the OT and an I set run goes off tackle.
Dr. E
That was easy. off tackle SI formation with the D lined up inside the OT. Only exception is the SS was moving into a deep outside zone and ran into the TE. Had he not shown up, it would of been the same result.
That's a play I created a while back. It may have been season 12 or 14?? Something like that.

The two OP links the TE is drawn to go up field and look inside and clearly he isnt.

It's drawn the same way in the Strong I HB Outside.

If we can get a few more links of this and different TE's doing this then we'll be able to classify.
Dr. E
Originally posted by Pwned IRL

The two OP links the TE is drawn to go up field and look inside and clearly he isnt.

It's drawn the same way in the Strong I HB Outside.

If we can get a few more links of this and different TE's doing this then we'll be able to classify.

Here ya go:

All the off tackle runs from that game and it happens every time. Someone else used a similar D, but I can't recall who it was. Any time the D is inside, it gets the same result.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Dr. E
Here ya go:

All the off tackle runs from that game and it happens every time. Someone else used a similar D, but I can't recall who it was. Any time the D is inside, it gets the same result.

You can tell by the D-line positioning that those are all still old DPC. Since they said they're not going to address issues with old DPC blocking, we still need to find some replays using new DPC.
Dr. E
Originally posted by TruthHammer
You can tell by the D-line positioning that those are all still old DPC. Since they said they're not going to address issues with old DPC blocking, we still need to find some replays using new DPC.

Yea well, that's going to be an issue since so few teams have changed over. I only have the one link that is already posted in this thread and I believe the Owner of that team is going to contact you since he asked me for your name.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Dr. E
Yea well, that's going to be an issue since so few teams have changed over. I only have the one link that is already posted in this thread and I believe the Owner of that team is going to contact you since he asked me for your name.

Sounds good. My team is all switched over, so I checked it out and haven't seen this behavior on this play all season. It never faced a defensive front that was lined up to the inside like your links though. I doubt a weak side shift is something that would get called too often against a strong I, so it might be pretty tough to find a conclusive replay one way or the other.
Dr. E
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Sounds good. My team is all switched over, so I checked it out and haven't seen this behavior on this play all season. It never faced a defensive front that was lined up to the inside like your links though. I doubt a weak side shift is something that would get called too often against a strong I, so it might be pretty tough to find a conclusive replay one way or the other.

yea, but it would be real easy for Bort to pop into the code for the TE and shorten up the distance he runs before turning back in.
Originally posted by truthhammer
Originally posted by Catch22

Rule #4 of the Bugs Forum - you will not always agree with the final resolution of a bug. That is completely understandable. If you have a problem with anything in the Bugs Forums, please contact one of the Leads or Bugs Coordinators. If they do not address your issue to your satisfaction, then contact Catch22 via private message. If you are unhappy with how a bug was classified or what my final determination was, please contact me via private message and we will discuss it. It's possible that the process is wrong and if that is the case, I'll be more than happy to revisit our determination. Please, however, do not create a new thread about the issue - it will be locked without any further consideration.

If you want to try to reopen the closed bug report, please PM Catch22.
Edited by stromstarhammer on Feb 10, 2011 03:58:48

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