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Forum > Rookie Leagues > GreaseMonkey - Forum Image Tags Script
Official He-Man Group Script - Version 2

To get the new script please go here

Created by - Kjoe51689 and Toccata6767

What is it? - This script allows you to post images in tags like you do with bold and Underline. As well as other smileys that the game doesn't include

How to use -
[*video]insert youtube vid here/ must be embedded link[/video*]
[*glb]insert flash replay url here[/glb*]

without the *... You must use lowercase img for now
you must also use the http:// for it to work

Example -

**If you cant see these please reinstall script to get version two**


This will turn your picture tag into a picture on the forum itself

Why use this?- This gets rid of the need to post just a link and make people click it to see what you mean. It will only run when looking at a thread and is capable of loading multiple pictures in less than a second.

[bump], [nsfw], +1, -1, [combine], [addict], [heman], [gtfo], [help], and [pwned]

This has been confirmed to work on the following browsers -
Firefox with greasmonkey and Chrome Natively

Please feel free to spread the word about this code! The more people that use it the more it will come in handy.

Please let us know what you think of the version 1 of the script. If you find any errors please let us know.

*Incorrectly using the img tags does not count

Why use this over TTI?

1. GLB Script(Support)
2. No need to hover over links to see the pop up of the picture
3. Supports Emotions for things used in game like + and - 1
4. Supported on both Chrome and Firefox not just FF
5. TTI is fine but this program is a relatively small program so why not just download it?
6.Supports Game Replays
7.Supports Videos
Edited by kjoe51689 on Feb 4, 2011 15:01:13
Edited by kjoe51689 on Feb 4, 2011 15:00:46
Edited by kjoe51689 on Feb 3, 2011 20:05:20
Edited by kjoe51689 on Feb 3, 2011 15:01:28
Edited by kjoe51689 on Feb 3, 2011 14:51:55
Chris465 DTD
Link imo
Originally posted by Chris465 RUF imo

Yeah, I was unaware of this when we made it for a group project that it existed. (For those that use chrome though this works better than the non-firefox versions).. this also pops the images up without having to hover over the links. Just saying its got slightly different purposes.

Also were thinking of making it so you can use other emotions by calling the tags such as [+1] in the next version to allow custom made emotions.
Edited by kjoe51689 on Feb 3, 2011 09:32:11
Edit: Just updated to allow the following smilies to be used on the forum by calling their tag names:

[bump], [nsfw], +1, -1, [combine], [addict], [heman], [gtfo], [help], and [pwned]

feel free to use them and just go to the script again and click instal and they should be enabled
Make a script that allows us to see our custom fields with flash or without it running so slow
Originally posted by shadeau
Make a script that allows us to see our custom fields with flash or without it running so slow

I'm pretty sure its not possible and I'm sure the guy that made the original version had a lot more experience than me. I'm working on making this script run youtuve videos, or at least I'm trying to.
Current Project 90% done -

Two new tags that will allow you to see the replays on the forums and allow you to post youtube and hulu videos as well as a clean up of the code.

Hopefully you guys can make use out of the ability to do it.
Please note, the script now allows for the use of posting flash game replays as well as youtube and hulu videos directly on the forums.

This will hopefully be the final version for a while and we are sorry about making you download it so many times but it was suggested by a few people and we thought we'd throw it in before too many people started to download it.

If you can see the video and Play in the post above you have the right version. Otherwise please go to the link again and click reinstall.
Chris465 DTD
Looks like your tags will mess up the links for people that don't have your script installed
Originally posted by Chris465 RUF
Looks like your tags will mess up the links for people that don't have your script installed

If all they do is post the script, then yes for some sites it will screw it up but the script is just built for people that are using the script..If someone wanted both people to see the script they could do this.


That way everyone can see it. We aren't going to update this for another month or so because of how many updates we already pushed through.
thanks for trying but Mehh no thx

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