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To the Philosophers for taking the title is season 19. I am sure it came as no surprise to anyone.

Gents I had a blast this season and watching you top owners shows where the Canton Assassin's need to improve for season 20. As a 1st season pee-wee team I think we did good and will be back for revenge on Iowa and The Phil!!

Assassin #1

Congrats Philosophers!

Excellent work in showing how a non-boosting team can win it all with great tactics and builds.
Thanks guys

That's the beauty of PW and it's the only thing that's keeping me in GLB. It's truly a coordinator's league!

I can see that there are a lot of new guys in this league that are really motivated and that's good for PW. I know I'll be seeing you guys soon in gold league so keep working hard and never give up.

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