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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > CB's reacting away from the receiver when ball is in the air - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Example set 1:
cb jumps in opposite direction of the play?
Tackling: Wrap Up
Defensive Focus: Pass
Coverage Style/Distance: Aggressive and 0
Pass Rush Style: Elusive

dr hooch jumped in the wrong direction?

free king jumped in the wrong direction?

iron jumped in the wrong direction?

hooch jumped in the wrong direction?

hooch jumped in the wrong direction?

Example set 2:
aggressive and -20 are the tactic settings

Example set 3:
From another team:

I've seen it a bunch this season. And I've only seen it happen to CB's covering the intended target when the ball comes out. I've never seen it happen off the ball. I haven't seen linebackers or safeties in man coverage do it.

one more example

settings here were -95 aggressive

More Info:
since switching to semi-aggressive it doesn't seem to be happening at all, but would be nice to do interceptions which is on aggressive
Edited by Catch22 on Jan 25, 2011 22:57:58
Edited by Catch22 on Jan 13, 2011 22:35:11
Edited by kuaggie on Dec 24, 2010 01:48:01
Edited by madmatg on Nov 24, 2010 20:47:02
Edited by madmatg on Nov 24, 2010 09:47:31
Nov 11, 2010-Changelog

- Make aggressive guys only jump inside so far, depending on how much help they have; update semi/normal/loose positioning after the pass to react/position better
What does that mean, sorry not understanding why would they ever jump away from the play?
Originally posted by madmatg
What does that mean, sorry not understanding why would they ever jump away from the play?

The days of the CB's diving underneath the ball on an INT attempt are long gone. Now they make less dramatic moves to the inside in most cases. You will probably need to adjust their tactics. Have them cover a little closer, and try semi.
but is that working as intended, sorry i'm just confused as to why they are jumping perpendicular to the balls path lol instead of jumping towards the ball
Originally posted by madmatg
but is that working as intended, sorry i'm just confused as to why they are jumping perpendicular to the balls path lol instead of jumping towards the ball

Yes that is the way coverage is working now with the new changes and there were a lot of them that affected the passing game.

Nov 18, 2010
- Require at least 15 seconds left to be able to auto run clock down to 1 on game winning FG attempt

Nov 17, 2010
- Allow clock to run down to 1 second or as much as possible when attempting to kick the game winning field goal
- Adjust 4th quarter timeout logic for use of 3rd timeout to use more freely when trailing

Nov 16, 2010
- Bump up lower level passing bonuses a bit
- Fix bug where QB vision line would "freeze" when a player outside of AI defined progressions became wide open
- Update timeout logic to make sure neither team calls 4th quarter timeouts while winning

Nov 15, 2010
- Double time remaining cutoffs for timeout logic
- Fix starting position of wedge players on kickoffs vs lower level kickers
- Allow aggressive defenders to jump inside a bit more, a bit quicker
- Revert to older season 18 version of ball carrier pathfinding that worked better
- Fix some math errors for coverage interception point calculations in endzone

Nov 11, 2010
- Make effect of morale less in earlier quarters
- Update deep zone coverage tracking of deepest player to follow better
- New timeout logic based on user suggestion, and updated hurry/slow down logic to go with it
- Improve man coverage intercept math to keep defenders from overshooting their man
- Update kickoffs to have longer hangtime, kicks left/right, closer together kickoff team, and wedge blockers who set up and wait for KR
- Allow missed tackles near the sideline to try and push ball carrier out of bounds, based on strength
- Modify pass quality falloff curve to be sooner, making deep passes quite a bit harder and short passes easier
- Allow WR to come back to the ball for a jumping catch in high risk situations just like defender can
- Separate scramble and run QB tactic, and add a bunch of situational and improved logic for scrambling and running
- Give defense reaction bonus on 3rd/4th down vs passes
- Make aggressive guys only jump inside so far, depending on how much help they have; update semi/normal/loose positioning after the pass to react/position better
- Upped the chance for overthrow on bad passes
- Disallow pump fake on man coverage defenders who are streaking with receiver
- Make pass deflections a bit more likely, make pass deflections lower pass quality a lot more
- Up penalty to catching passes while moving fast
- Give zone reaction a little boost, and less affected by coverage delay
- Enable/increase defense coverage reaction delay in more cases
- Add end of route "get open" logic
- Change creative route running to update path every 5 ticks, resulting in smoother path
- Update method for QB to find open spot to throw to away from defenders
- Add "sweet spot" definitions to every play/route to improve QB timing
- Update and improve method/math involved in QB calculating player risk, improve QB ability to find open/less risky players beyond checkdowns
alrighty, didn't really want to get in a fight over it I just don't understand how CB's jumping away from the play could ever be working as intended, but I'll drop it
ninja turtles
Originally posted by madmatg
can delete

maybe could have awaited a mod to respond before giving up

just confused at how over jumping everything is fixed by now jumping out of the way right before the ball gets there
Edited by ninja turtles on Nov 22, 2010 15:48:51
he's not?
ninja turtles
Originally posted by madmatg
he's not?

it does not say mod under his name - not saying he's wrong,i understand it's what's in the changelog it just seems screwy
CBs shouldn't jump away from WRs - it is buggy behavior.

I wouldn't listen to that guy, tbh. Dude is wrong repeatedly.

There is nothing in the change-log about CBs going the wrong way, when they should be attacking.

CB play has been buggy for a really long time. I know they put in a bunch of "fixes" in there, but this is one thing that still isn't working correctly, which is why INTs are so far down this season.
that makes me feel better but still no mod lol
Rocky Top
Can we get the slider and aggression settings for the CB's in question?

Does anyone else have replays they are willing to provide along with CB tactics?

Needs more info
We were set to 0 and on aggressive

here's one from a separate team
aggressive and -20 are the tactic settings
Edited by madmatg on Nov 23, 2010 01:39:27
ninja turtles
Originally posted by madmatg
I believe we were +20 or +30 on aggressive

here's one from a separate team
aggressive and -20 are the tactic settings

my dot on that play and i can confirm that's the settings i used for CB SecretAgent Scott

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