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Rage Kinard
I ran my OT through the builder and ended up with this

Level: 73
XP: 611
VA XP: 0
VA: 67
Bonus Tokens: 838
Training Points: 0
SP: 2
strength : 99.28
speed : 68.68
agility : 89.16
jumping : 6
stamina : 65.68
vision : 62.8
confidence : 64.81
blocking : 83.28
throwing : 8
catching : 8
carrying : 8
tackling : 8
kicking : 8
punting : 8

Top SA Tree: | 1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 6 |
Bottom SA Tree: | 4 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Additional SA Tree: | 0 |

So I could end up with 140 strength, 100 agility, and 83 blocking. Speed might be a little less than desirable, but would probably only go with 2 pieces of +3, +5% AEQ. That would allow for another 12-13 sp from cashing in BT.

I think I kind of screwed up a bit, so not sure if I should retire and start over or not.

wondering what others think.
Edited by Rage Kinard on Sep 30, 2010 13:18:39
Looks good but my gut says vision will be more valuable on the O line in the future. I could be wrong.
I like it.

Are you multi training at all times?
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by mandyross
I like it.

Are you multi training at all times?

up until about mid-way through the last season. Then I adjust training on the last few attributes. Unfortunately, I messed up the attributes I unlocked for multi-train before I figured out multi-training for 11 seasons was probably best way to go. So I went ahead and unlocked 2 more attributes. Basically I wasted 45 BT and some really good training opportunity.

If I were to start over I would start out training strength. Then, I would unlock blocking, agility, speed. Then I would train them with confidence, vision, stamina until I got strength to 68 then train them with strength until I got strength to 90 (edit: stop spending sp at 83 though. Just train until it gets to 90) and switch back to alternating confidence, vision, stamina. Then I would 1st cap blocking, 1st cap agility, 1st cap speed, 2nd cap blocking, 2nd cap agility, 3rd cap blocking, 2nd cap speed, 3rd cap agility, 4th cap agility, 5th cap agility, 1st cap confidence, vision, and stamina, then 2nd cap confidence, vision, stamina and then add SAs.
Edited by Rage Kinard on Sep 30, 2010 19:15:03
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
(edit: stop spending sp at 83 though. Just train until it gets to 90) .

This could well be the key to getting a good build now. I am still pondering though but you are close to convincing me that I should do this.

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