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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Incorrect listing of Luxury Tax Paid Per Day - NOT A BUG - ADMIN RESPONSE

This season: salary cap $11.7M
Total team salary until yesterday: 253k/day or about $10.1M for the season.

Yesterday I sent out the contracts for next season, with an increase, since we will promote.
About half the team accepted their new contracts, so today I am over this season's cap.

This season's cap is $292,500$ per day, I'm now at $311,077.

On the finance page, balance sheet tab, it lists the "Luxury Tax Paid per Day" (LTPpD) as being $185,642.
That's a bit steep. I'm 18k$ per day over the cap, and the tax on that is 180k$ per day.

What it does is LTPpD = ( ( 40 * current daily salary ) - salary cap ) / 4. This divide by 4 is a bit puzzling. I assume it takes the value 4 because it is the number of days remaining in the season, and because it remembers that I haven't paid luxury tax yet this season (of course not, I was nicely under the cap until today). But I could be wrong.
What it should do is LTPpD = current daily salary - (salary cap / 40).

I'll find out tomorrow if only the value listed on the finance page is wrong, or if this exorbitant amount will also be deducted from my team's bank balance.
Edited by RMiller517 on Sep 16, 2010 19:26:16 (catch verified)
Edited by VolBrian on Sep 3, 2010 09:56:38 (Sent to QA)
Edited by doobas on Sep 3, 2010 09:51:49 (Is overcharging luxury tax.)
Edited by doobas on Sep 3, 2010 05:49:15 (looks like buggy behaviour, but more info would help)
Edited by simpathia on Sep 2, 2010 10:14:37
The exorbitant amount was indeed deducted from my team's bank balance.

It is as if my team was over the salary cap the whole season, in stead of just a few days. Totally unfair.

Plus it means you can't renew contracts before day 41 if you're close to the salary cap. Very awkward.

The pop-up help on the finance page mentions that luxury tax is evaluated daily. This is highly misleading, because it suggests that you are charged for every day you are over the cap. When in fact if you're over the cap for only one day, you'll get charged for the entire (past) season.

This indeed sounds like a bug. Can you get screen shots of your finances for us?


Thanks, mate. You are right in that it is making you pay for a whole seasons worth of luxury tax in just 4 days.

Marking as Likely a Bug.

Rocky Top
Agree, sending to QA
same thing happened to me today.....had to pay an entire seasons luxury tax for 1 day over cap.

Hillsburgh Hillbillies:

Paid 588,000 dollars for being overcapp for 1 day!

Good to know it is a bug, as that sum scared the hell of of me.

(TBH happened to me 2 days in a row) day 38 was 79,000 dollars for being around 1k overcap for 2 days.

still don't know why people don't purchase the season long morale promotions instead of going over the salary cap - the cost effectiveness isn't even close to be honest
That is beside the point. A bug is a bug.
Originally posted by reddogrw
still don't know why people don't purchase the season long morale promotions instead of going over the salary cap - the cost effectiveness isn't even close to be honest

At least type something original!!!
You typed the same thing in both threads trolling i guess

We were both UNDER cap.....but by the time our players finished the season, average salaries put us over cap......tough to understand but think about it.
Is anything happening with this???

Would nice to try and recruit without having a -750,000 showing on the Team balance
I believe this is intentional, to avoid certain end of season exploits of cranking up player salaries for the playoffs. I'm looking for statements on that, but haven't found any so far - might need to check directly with Catch on this.

I do know that a player's salary range isn't determined until Day 42, so sending out contracts towards the end of the season with next season's salary in mind won't be effective in a lot of cases as the player's range will change soon. It's usually more appropriate to send out a contract with the same salary but longer terms during the season, then in the offseason set salaries as desired. Obviously not always the easiest way to do things, though, so we'll want to check on the end of season luxury tax payments.
Catch writes here: the following:
Because teams can negotiate contracts upwards in season and there is the possibility of player movement via trades and free agent signings, a player's salary will be based upon their average salary for the past 20 days.

I must admit that this would allow an "exploit" if you would not retroactively charge teams for the full season in case they raise salaries during the season. If you are only interested in morale reserve for the championship game you could get that at half price by raising salaries on day 20.

However making it mandatory to send every player TWO new contracts per season (one for the extension before day 41, one with the new salary after day 42) is a PITA.

Plus it is highly misleading to then state (from the same thread):
Luxury tax will be applied daily on rollover. For example, if total salary is 40 million per season, a team pays 1 million a day in salary. If they are over the cap by 4 million, they would pay $100,000 a day in luxury tax.

The luxury tax you pay per day is not at all related to the total salary per season, contrary to what the statement from catch indicates. The luxury tax you pay on a given day is in stead related to the total salary you pay on that same day, retroactively applied to the whole season.

This was a well laid trap. Working as intended (not a bug).
Edited by simpathia on Sep 10, 2010 06:15:12
I think I'd like Catch to review this one - I'm not sure we have enough of an idea on how this is supposed to work, and I was unable to find the quotes I was thinking existed on the matter.
it's certainly not what one would expect, to get stuck paying an entire season of overage in 2 days. If that is intended I think we need a clarifying statement from admins.
Agree, and thanks for handling it the way you do

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