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Forum > K/P Club > Rate My K/P > Where do I go from here?
Any advice on how I should be training my K at the moment and how I should be spending Bonus Points would be gratefully received. He has no training bonuses or multi-training option at the moment.

Gerald Udowiczenko (Lv. 63 K)
Ht/Wt: 6'2", 167lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $10000
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 23
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 443/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 78 (+3)
Speed: 49
Agility: 56
Jumping: 29 (+3)
Stamina: 33
Vision: 64
Confidence: 87.66

Football Skills
Blocking: 10
Catching: 8
Tackling: 23
Throwing: 17
Carrying: 9
Kicking: 140.66 (+40)
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Kicking Abilities
Calm Nerves: 13
Big Boot: 11
Automatic: 12

Veteran Abilities
Booming Kick: 15
Laces Out: 15
On a Roll: 3
Streaky: 15

His current equipment is:
Superior Brown Shirt+3 jumping, +7 kicking, +1 strength, Make tackle chance +19% (maxed)
Superior Yellow Cleats+8 kicking, +2 strength, +5 Calm Nerves SA
Yellow Doo RagA basic yellow doo rag.
+8 kicking (maxed)
Superior Pink Gloves+11 kicking, +5 Automatic SA (maxed)

He's developing this piece:
Superior Blue Visor+4 kicking, +1 Automatic SA
The automatic piece is fine, but I would dump the Shirt immediately and replace with a normal kicking EQ, and put the BTs into your visor.

All SP right now needs to go into vision, IMO.
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Aug 15, 2010 16:04:05
Edited by TheGreatPuma on Aug 15, 2010 16:03:40
Thanks for that.

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