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Forum > CB Club > Rate My CB > Level 60/70 Man CB
Cedric Gainer (Lv. 60 CB)
Ht/Wt: 6'2", 183lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $7500
Skill Points: 0
Training Points: 0
Bonus Tokens: 9
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 94/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 48.54
Speed: 99.46 (+20)
Agility: 99.46 (+18)
Jumping: 71.46 (+2)
Stamina: 37.96
Vision: 78.46
Confidence: 48.19

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 45.96
Tackling: 51.19
Throwing: 9
Carrying: 18.54
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Swat Ball: 3
Sticky Hands: 3
Superior Vision: 10
Smooth Operator: 5
Shutdown Coverage: 4

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 0
Change Direction: 0
Return Specialist: 0
Blitz: 0
Closing Speed: 0

Additional Abilities
Wrap Up Tackle: 0
Veteran Abilities
Ball Hawk: 15
Big Heart: 1
Football Genius: 15
Overtime Killer: 1
Third Down Stopper: 13

Only have one piece of AEQ finished and equipped. I have a 5% intercept piece, SDC piece, and a 5% deflect piece that still need to be finished. The OT killer and BH VA's are team mandates...
Looks pretty good so far, you might exchange 8-10 in your agility pieces and apply towards to speed so you'll be 90 agility 107 speed.

Soft cap stamina

Based on your age I do not see you being able to finish 3 more AEQ pieces, I would drop the INT piece since your dot isn't really built to be an INT CB. So that leaves either SDC or PD, I'm a fan of SDC, its the first piece I built for my guy and while it wont show up in the stat sheet, I've seen my dot keep WR's who have 10 levels on me under their average but either one will work

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