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chief c
We did too sort of. The team is owned by an agent but the entire roster is CPU players. They racked up 650 yards of offense on us. I think the improvements to the CPU players may make Pee Wee leagues interesting if they don't tweak them some.
I can only assume that the CPU does not horde points like i would imagine your team has?
chief c
There was a lot of talk after I posted a similar comment on the main GLB forum.
A lot of it had to do with archetype builds and tactics for the CPUs. You know like all guards will be heavy on strength and blocking will have no focus on blocking and wrap up tackling etc.etc. Which makes CPU teams all uniform and somewhat predictable.
Then there's the fact that I didn't even have the team equipped much less have SP assigned.
The upside is the CPU players will stay level 1 the entire season and not level up
The downside is if you play them in the first 10 days of the season be prepared to get beat. So there's some scheduling luck involved this season.
Its also likely Bort will modify the plan in place today and allow CPU "fill in" players on teams that have primarily human rosters to come into each game at the median level for that team's roster, minus -10%. If this happens it will take place before game one and Catch22 will do an announcement.
Guppy, Inc
Originally posted by chief c

The upside is the CPU players will stay level 1 the entire season and not level up
The downside is if you play them in the first 10 days of the season be prepared to get beat. So there's some scheduling luck involved this season.

i brought this up last week and catch said he'd talk to bort about it.
Originally posted by chief c
The downside is if you play them in the first 10 days of the season be prepared to get beat. So there's some scheduling luck involved this season.

Once you invest points in your players you shouldn't lose to them (unless you have some completely horrible builds)

I'll walk away from this forum now.
chief c
Originally posted by Djmr
Once you invest points in your players you shouldn't lose to them (unless you have some completely horrible builds)

I'll walk away from this forum now.

Thanks for checking in. Didn't realize we had such august (or is it july?) visitors now and then.
There's a lot to be said for strong CPU's.
While winning five 255-0 games makes it a nice break for game planning it permits a batch of some pretty mediocre teams to make the playoffs, which then go into a level up death spiral of their own.
Strong CPU's also help out teams trying to get established as well as uncapped teams trying to stay competitive.
Strong CPU's encourage agents to build better players and owners to build better teams.
Simply put, competition, wherever it comes from, encourages realistic expectations and makes the game better.
Originally posted by stevenmac03
We did too sort of. The team is owned by an agent but the entire roster is CPU players. They racked up 650 yards of offense on us. I think the improvements to the CPU players may make Pee Wee leagues interesting if they don't tweak them some.

Please do not allow this to happen again.
We are looking forward to going 0-16 this season and start our climb back into gold next season.

Good Luck this season everyone!

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