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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Unable to view Game Summary as lolGM - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I believe most of glb is aware of this, yet no one has ever called it a bug.

I click on the "Summary" tab and it gives me this message:

You do not have access to view the summary for the teams in this game. Access is only available to owners and GM's of the teams in the game.

I am a GM on the team, I have no powers other then forum.

Either the message it presents me is a bug or my lack of ability to view the game summary is a bug, either way BUG.
Edited by Djmr on Jul 24, 2010 03:35:19 (Its a suggestion, not a bug)
Edited by kuaggie on Jul 24, 2010 01:47:15
Edited by Hokiemon on Jul 23, 2010 21:37:23 (differing opinions on this one)
Edited by VolBrian on Jul 22, 2010 19:29:32 (Some GM's can not view private game summaries)
Originally posted by iGarf
I believe most of glb is aware of this, yet no one has ever called it a bug.

I click on the "Summary" tab and it gives me this message:

You do not have access to view the summary for the teams in this game. Access is only available to owners and GM's of the teams in the game.

I am a GM on the team, I have no powers other then forum.

Either the message it presents me is a bug or my lack of ability to view the game summary is a bug, either way BUG.

lolGMs do not get access to that summary...if you want to see it and the owner won't give you access, perhaps one of the GMs with access can use a greasemonkey script to cut/paste into the forum....

not a bug...
Originally posted by im4ut999
lolGMs do not get access to that summary...if you want to see it and the owner won't give you access, perhaps one of the GMs with access can use a greasemonkey script to cut/paste into the forum....

not a bug...

It says i only need to be a GM of one of the teams in that particular game to have access to it. I am a GM of one of the team. Therefore I should have access or it should be edited.
Edited by iGarf on Jul 22, 2010 17:00:07
Rocky Top
I just verified this through one of my own lolGM's from the private scrimmage we had today. He has no control of anything as a GM and could not view the summary.

Likely a bug
And will someone please explain why it should be limited to GMs? OPen it up for anyone on the team. It's ridiculous that this info isn't readily available for my players. I have to beg for it from the owners. While we're fixing this, just open it up to all team members.
Originally posted by TheGreatPuma
And will someone please explain why it should be limited to GMs? OPen it up for anyone on the team. It's ridiculous that this info isn't readily available for my players. I have to beg for it from the owners. While we're fixing this, just open it up to all team members.

Originally posted by TheGreatPuma
And will someone please explain why it should be limited to GMs? OPen it up for anyone on the team. It's ridiculous that this info isn't readily available for my players. I have to beg for it from the owners. While we're fixing this, just open it up to all team members.

To me this is a "working as intended" situation. I guess by someone's interpretation "GM's of the teams in the game" could mean ALL (or any) GMs. It's also open for interpretation to mean only certain GMs since there is nothing specified there.

Since a Bugs CS Mod has already ruled likely a bug I'll pass this over to QA and let them make a determination

Originally posted by Firenze
Originally posted by TheGreatPuma

And will someone please explain why it should be limited to GMs? OPen it up for anyone on the team. It's ridiculous that this info isn't readily available for my players. I have to beg for it from the owners. While we're fixing this, just open it up to all team members.

tbh this, but bugs get more attention than suggestions
should be a suggestion, and Bort should pay attention to suggestions......but not a bug. Currently working as intended (although if you want my opinion the way its intended is outdated and needs to be improved).

Not a bug- first verification.
yeah sorry guys but since this is WAI, its a suggestion, not a bug. You're very welcome to post this in suggestions though, it does bring a valid point (maybe it should be a GM power with its own tickbox? I may or may not want all of the GMs to see it).

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