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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > Quick Feet VA Question?
Quick Feet
This player is hard to keep up with. Each level of Quick Feet gives a +2% bonus to the success rate of the Head Fake, Spin, and Juke special abilties.

It looks like it reads like it will only help if your returner has a HF, Spin or Juke SA. Does it still give the bonus if he doesn't?

Also will Quick Feet help with the Open Field Fake SA?

The Open Field Fake ability gives this player a bonus to performing head fakes and jukes when there is only one defender within 5 yards.
I don't know if it will stack with Open Field Fake but in the past they do exactly what they say and nothing more so I would say it won't give you any bonus without those SA's.
Let me put it this way: If you're playing in Pro and your return man doesn't have either Spin, HF, or Juke, then not only is that a mistake, but you'd be silly to rely on a VA that has no SA's to complement it. Yes, it might complement Open Field Fake, but that alone isn't going to win you much success in the Pro's, especially since I still stand by my claims Juke is broken on returns:

You're better off relying on the number of other VA choices, including Return Man, Special Teamer, Clever Instincts (maybe), and even Steady Grip, so this is kind of a rhetorical topic. Personally, I think CB return men should be tagging Spin as his bonus SA anyways.
Edited by ReMeDy on Jul 24, 2010 13:50:24
Originally posted by ReMeDy
Let me put it this way: If you're playing in Pro and your return man doesn't have either Spin, HF, or Juke, then not only is that a mistake, but you'd be silly to rely on a VA that has no SA's to complement it. Yes, it might complement Open Field Fake, but that alone isn't going to win you much success in the Pro's, especially since I still stand by my claims Juke is broken on returns:

You're better off relying on the number of other VA choices, including Return Man, Special Teamer, Clever Instincts (maybe), and even Steady Grip, so this is kind of a rhetorical topic. Personally, I think CB return men should be tagging Spin as his bonus SA anyways.

So if I'm understand you correctly...Juke is a waste of time?

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