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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > What's the consensus on the Strong Arm SA?
I'm considering upping it on my center since he has pretty high strength but I'm not sure how well it would work. I've skimmed the 55 pages in this subforum for topics with strong arm in the title but only 1 came up and there were no replies.

Is there any info at all out there about this SA?
Not really. It's hard to see as it isn't so obvious when it fires in the sim.

Also you couldn't get it in equipment shopping before so nobody ever bothered to get it high.

My opinion is that there are much better things to spend SPs on.
Originally posted by mandyross
Not really. It's hard to see as it isn't so obvious when it fires in the sim.

Also you couldn't get it in equipment shopping before so nobody ever bothered to get it high.

My opinion is that there are much better things to spend SPs on.

I'd agree but I'm at the end of my Center's career. I'm done with spending points on attributes so I'm finishing up my SA's. I'll level 4 more times and that's it. Where I'm thinking about raising Strong Arm to will only cost 10 SP. And my Line Gen is solid, foundation is good but will be solid, and get low will be good enough by the time I spend the points from my last 4 levels.

The only thing that's holding me back is that higher levels increases the chance of strong arm skill working. Which means that it won't fire on every play. And since there's no info out there about how often it fires I'm not sure if it'd be worth it. If I ignore it then I could raise Get Low a point higher than I would if I do go the Strong Arm route.

I guess this is just a case of should I play it safe and go the tried and true route or should I take a chance and try the SA that people seem to ignore and hope that it works out. Chances are I'm going to ignore strong arm but I just wanted to see if anyone had any info on the SA before I discard the idea of raising it a bit.
I'd still prefer Pass Block SA to be minimum of 6 raw first (better 8). If Pass Block is a small-but-always-on % multiplier to hold block or attributes, it wins over Strong Arm.

Or, I'd raise Get Low another point, which you consider.
You could be the pioneer that invests in Strong Arm, figures out it make you an unstoppable beast in pass protection, and relays it to everyone else.


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