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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > WEEK 4 POINT SPREADS!
Okay, so I realize its not an actual week between games, but the more I play this game, the longer and longer it seems between gametime! Here's what's going on in the morning!!!

More Cowbells have a tough one against Panthers Syndicate (who continues to prove me wrong every week)! We can't have that so I'm taking the Panthers to win...NOT! (see next post)!

Panth Sydicate +3 vs Cowbells -3
CORRECT - Underestimated Cowbells by 23

Orangeblood proved to be one of the leagues elite last game, but go up against a team on a mission. We'll see what they can do.

Aust Orangeblood -24 vs Manbearpigs +24
CORRECT - Underestimated OrgBlood by 10

The Fightin' Catfish of Middle Tennessee are eagar to get their first win in against another rebuilding team! But their going to need a music city miracle to beat this wild stampede!

Catfish +7 vs Stampede -7
WRONG - I beleive in miracles baby...since the fightin sexy things!
Underestimated Catfish by 16

There's bound to be some broken bones and hurt feelings when these two teams get together! I've never seen so many level 20s in the same game!

Sharks +25 vs Falcons -25
CORRECT - underestimated Sharks by 21

Gettin through Dayton's Line is like trying to wrastle a pack of 300 lb Billy Goats. But Hitmen look to do anything it takes to avenge last weeks close loss! Only time will tell!

Goatse -6 vs Hitment +6
CORRECT - Underestimated Hitmen by 3

The Cardinals look to be the big birds in the league, but first they've got to get through some wild Gobblers. I hope they don't get gobbled up!

Tricity -24 vs Blacksburg +24
CORRECT - Underestimated TriCity by 12

DC goes back to the Dirty South for a battle that should make Civil War vets cringe! We'll see if they can get their 3rd win!

Brew Crew -26 vs Curruption +26
CORRECT - Underestimated DC by 16

The Twisters are on a roll after their 1st win of a young season. We'll see if they can stir up some dust against the Colony 195 defenders!

Colony 195 -32 vs Kansas +32
CORRECT - Underestimated Defenders by 25

Is there anything that can stop these Longhorns? Well if anyone QB in the league could lead to team to such a feat...I bet his name would be Butt Face! Guess we'll find out in the morning!

Fortaleza -38 vs Aggies +38
CORRECT - Underestimated Longhorns by 4

Where is Compton? Is that a suburb of Provo? Well the Mile High Mustangs will find out as they try to break down the Cougar's, but something tells me they'll need a little more than some horsey hats and a pack of Coors Light!

Compton -42 vs Mustangs +42
CORRECT - Underestmiated Mustangs by 19

Austin earns their name this week when they get beat by the Red Raiders for what looks to be an Extremely bad season! Lets see if they can prove the critics wrong!

Extreme +65 vs South Bend -65
CORRECT - Underestimated Extreme by 24

There's a temple in Cochabamba! It appears their is also a really good football team! They face one of the biggest challenges of the season as they go up against the Rocky Mountain Snipers! May the better team win!

Pirates -3 vs Snipers +3
WRONG - Underestimated Snipers by 31

Texans need a win to get the season going! But its going to take a lot this week against Mofo's

Omaha -14 vs Dallas +14
CORRECT - Underestimated Dallas by 13 (close game)!

Can the Bearcats keep their perfect record? Not if the Slayers have anything to say about it!

Bearcats +10 vs Slayers -10
CORRECT - Underestimated Slayers by 14

Elvis continues the leagues biggest win streak! I know, I know...some say they havn't had a fair game yet...but we didn't come up with the scedule! Good luck to Phili, but I gotta go with my team!

Flyin' Elvis -51 vs Nightmare +51
CORRECT - Underestimated Las Vegas by 38

Psychos had a great run at the end of last season to make the Championship game! They look to do the same this year but face one of the hardest schedules in GLB history! This should be a great game!

Psychos +15 vs Lions -15
CORRECT - Underestimated Psychos by 10

This Week: 14-2
This Season: 44-11

Last edited Jun 18, 2008 13:42:50
NOOOO, dont pick the Panthers to win!!! I appreciate you making the effort to do this each week. You and gtbice really make this game more enjoyable by enchancing the experiance.

And please edit your post to have the Panthers as the underdogs, keeps us motivated and is a good omen.
Originally posted by KellerFox
NOOOO, dont pick the Panthers to win!!! I appreciate you making the effort to do this each week. You and gtbice really make this game more enjoyable by enchancing the experiance.

And please edit your post to have the Panthers as the underdogs, keeps us motivated and is a good omen.

Okay...I don't think its fair to change the odds after they've been posted, but this time I'll make an exception! LOL
Last edited Jun 17, 2008 21:48:11
We're pretty excited about our matcup against the Snipers. They took care of us handily last season, and we sure hope to return the favor.

we the beartcats think this is our toughest match up so far but we still feel we can win. so im betting against the spread
I dont know where we are.were just trying to win . But compton is in los angeles,ca
Last edited Jun 17, 2008 22:08:09
I didn't like the Catfish against Kansas in Week 3. I think we'll eek out a win this time.
"Where is Compton? Is that a suburb of Provo? Well the Mile High Mustangs will find out as they try to break down the Cougar's, but something tells me they'll need a little more than some horsey hats and a pack of Coors Light!

Compton -42 vs Mustangs +42"

We shall drown the cougars in our crisp, clean and cool rockymountain water! OH THATS COLD
Haha nice one Keller....if we keep winning he'll have to pick us eventually....I just hope he waits for an easy game to do it!
We must prove the Merz wrong 3 weeks in a row. This is a statement game for us. We want to be recognized as a top team in the conference.
Originally posted by Merzlocker
Originally posted by KellerFox

NOOOO, dont pick the Panthers to win!!! I appreciate you making the effort to do this each week. You and gtbice really make this game more enjoyable by enchancing the experiance.

And please edit your post to have the Panthers as the underdogs, keeps us motivated and is a good omen.

Okay...I don't think its fair to change the odds after they've been posted, but this time I'll make an exception! LOL

Originally posted by Merzlocker
Where is Compton? Is that a suburb of Provo? Well the Mile High Mustangs will find out as they try to break down the Cougar's, but something tells me they'll need a little more than some horsey hats and a pack of Coors Light!

Compton -42 vs Mustangs +42

Ha, good one.

42 is a bit generous. It'll be a closer game than that, especially with the way Compton functions internally.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Cougars lost. It's more than possible.
LOL! Sawedust, you have such great confidence in your team! I like it! You should maybe go for a coordinator position. LOL
Originally posted by sawedust
Originally posted by Merzlocker

Where is Compton? Is that a suburb of Provo? Well the Mile High Mustangs will find out as they try to break down the Cougar's, but something tells me they'll need a little more than some horsey hats and a pack of Coors Light!

Compton -42 vs Mustangs +42

Ha, good one.

42 is a bit generous. It'll be a closer game than that, especially with the way Compton functions internally.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if the Cougars lost. It's more than possible.

Ironic your talking about functional problems
The Leviathan
I'll take the Austin Extreme to cover in that point spread any day. This game might be closer than you think.

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