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Both have 79.7 speed with all equipment added at the moment. If anyone has some advice/suggestions on what next and how to appropriate my 4 AEQ pieces as I build BTs. Thanks in advance. Builds open:

Lvl 19 SS:

Lvl 19 FS:

As of now, the FS plays back in zone often with the SS usually playing closer up to help on outside HB runs/QB boots.
Edited by Scene on Jul 9, 2010 16:31:12
Both both players, it seem like you're trying to satisfy your effective levels rather than sway your build to a hard hitter, coverage, or combo for that matter because they are lacking strength, tackling, and vision. It would make sense if you trained viison really hard whilie saving up more BTs and use upgrades for vision and you train whatever else you wanna learn. As for speed, you got more than you need right now so you can afford to lay off of it for now. Your players would get a 7 out of 10 just because of speed

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