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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Offensive Fumble Recoveries are marked as defensive stats - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

This OT:

Got a fumble recovery in the endzone for a TD on this play:

but if you look at the game stats, he's credited with a "Def TD". Offensive recoveries of fumbles, and the stats they generate, shouldn't be considered defensive stats - the OT should have had a rushing TD instead.
I'm pretty sure fumble recoveries by the offense are also figured into defensive MVP rankings, but it's hard to prove and even harder to find a case where that would matter, but I'm pretty sure any O-lineman with fumble recoveries is ranked much higher in the defensive ranks by position rankings. That's probably related to all fumble recoveries being treated as a defensive stat.
Edited by Catch22 on Jul 20, 2010 02:03:00
Edited by Stray Doug on Jul 9, 2010 22:31:38 (BUG - FIRST VERIFICAITON)
Edited by Asdlfef on Jul 9, 2010 21:38:41 (Bug verified, sending to QA.)
Edited by blaslo on Jul 9, 2010 16:42:39
yeah, shouldn't be a def stat
Yup, looks like a category for fumble recovery needs to be added to an offensive stat line (rushing would be the best place) and some extra coding to remedy the bug. Sending this to QA.
Some thoughts on how to address this, although I'm not rating it an approve or confirming since it's my post.

Easiest is to leave the fumble recovery alone, but at least turn the TDs into rushing TDs if that's possible. Similarly with Fumble Recovery yards into Rushing Yards, again if that's possible.
Better would be to create a new stat, but new stats are Database Intensive and likely will be one time and all the new stats all in one shot if new stats are ever added. I'd like to get this idea on that list, though, so it's not forgotten.

Stray Doug
Yeah, seems a DEF TD is clearly not intended... unless it's simply a case of "we just didn't have anywhere else to put it". More likely an oversight though since it happens so rarely and seems just as easily could be marked as a rushing TD.
Originally posted by Stray Doug
Yeah, seems a DEF TD is clearly not intended... unless it's simply a case of "we just didn't have anywhere else to put it". More likely an oversight though since it happens so rarely and seems just as easily could be marked as a rushing TD.

Yeah, I totally agree. It should be classed as a rushing TD + rushing yards - but Im curious to know the scope of the bug (every position it affects) before sending it further.
Originally posted by Djmr
Yeah, I totally agree. It should be classed as a rushing TD + rushing yards - but Im curious to know the scope of the bug (every position it affects) before sending it further.

No it should not
it would seem that fumble recoveries and interceptions by a player that turn into touchdowns are credited in the DefTD field, rather than in a seperate field.

i'm pretty sure that field isn't "rushing TDs". I'm thinking this isn't a bug, just because there isnt another field to show the stat.
Originally posted by RMiller517
it would seem that fumble recoveries and interceptions by a player that turn into touchdowns are credited in the DefTD field, rather than in a seperate field.

i'm pretty sure that field isn't "rushing TDs". I'm thinking this isn't a bug, just because there isnt another field to show the stat.

I agree with the bold part.
I agree with rmiller too. Sending to Catch.


-all we want to know is if this is intended or not (offensive fumble recoveries + fumble recovery & TD). The majority of us think it is, but there is a possibility Bort could have overlooked how this works.
I'd tend to agree with the above three and I don't think it's a pressing enough issue to warrant filing as a bug. It's more of a suggestion then anything to add a stat category for offensive turnovers that turn into TD's.

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