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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > Lvl 44 KR/PR Needs a little help
Vlad Rasputin
My first return specialist. He has been in a position to help my team in close games with some TDs if he could just break out and score them. It is a very competitive league but I feel he is fixable to change some of his returns into TDs. He has 5 SP and 140 bonus points saved up. I know Agility needs work but I intend to do so. Any info would be appreciated.

Speed: 109.62 (+26)
Tackling: 26.14
Agility: 78.62 (+4)
Throwing: 8
Jumping: 22.24
Catching: 23.45
Stamina: 42.62
Carrying: 50.31
Vision: 63.62
Kicking: 8
Confidence: 33.93
Punting: 9
Special Abilities | Veteran Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Speedster Abilities
First Step 7
Change Direction 3
Return Specialist 3
Blitz 1
Closing Speed 1
Additional Abilities
Juke 3

Return Man: 15
Special Teamer: 10

Nice build man. Similar to mine and I have great results.

You need to get Return Spec up to 10. I'd also get strength up to help break tackles.

I like: Head Fake, Spin, Juke, % of fake chance, % of break tackle in no order

Agility to 90+
Vlad Rasputin
Originally posted by chrisfwc
Nice build man. Similar to mine and I have great results.

You need to get Return Spec up to 10. I'd also get strength up to help break tackles.

I like: Head Fake, Spin, Juke, % of fake chance, % of break tackle in no order

Agility to 90+

Agility to 90 base or total?
Once I am pretty satisfied with his attributes I will start dumping SP into Return Specialist for sure. Unless I can attach it to a piece of AEQ then I'll do that.
I've just started training strength, you're right it was too low.

He's got a Juke but I'll try to add HF and Spin as well as some % things.

Thanks for the info.

add to jumping. helps break diving tackles.
I'd train jumping, but don't spend SP's in it (too many other things worth pouring SP's in). I agree with higher Return Spec, but not necessarily at the moment. At day 229, you still have a long career ahead of you, including the potential for extended plateau. Caps are important to a return man, since they need so many things to be good, including spd, agi, carrying, vis, and str.

I noticed he has "Blitz." Just curious, are you playing him on defense? I'm not sure what your DC has in mind, but you're better off telling him you'd rather play exclusively at KR/PR. It will better preserve your energy for returns/punts and plus, Blitz hogs up room for the awesome "Spin" bonus SA, which many players seem to be taking advantage of, including my guy. It fires an insane amount:

Also, Juke is useless. Get rid of it. Ironically, you're better off going Head Fake. Presumably Juke isn't broken, but it doesn't work enough to make it worth the investment over more Spin, Return Spec, CD, and FS.

Go massive brTk % too. No more than two pieces though, but max the hell out of them. You'll be glad you did.
Edited by ReMeDy on Jul 2, 2010 03:41:53
Edited by ReMeDy on Jul 2, 2010 03:39:54
Edited by ReMeDy on Jul 2, 2010 03:38:38
Edited by ReMeDy on Jul 2, 2010 03:36:58
Edited by ReMeDy on Jul 2, 2010 03:35:58
Vlad Rasputin
Yes, he was called upon for defense work early on because we only had 4 CBs but now he is only on returns. I haven't added to blitz, it is simply a part of the speedster tree when I made the custom equipment. I'd love to swap it out if I could.

I'm going to keep Juke just in case they fix it later but I won't add more to it. I'll definitely pick up spin and some break tackle % and Head Fake if I can. And I'll be training strength and jumping. Later, of course I'll max out Return Spec.

Thanks a lot.

You're missing one S.A. that you need to put you over the top.
joe blitz
You need to take carrying to 68 and get your strength up. Once he hits the big boy leagues he's going to be coughing up balls like crazy.
Vlad Rasputin
Originally posted by UnderDogs
You're missing one S.A. that you need to put you over the top.

Which one is that? Spin?

Originally posted by josephblitz
You need to take carrying to 68 and get your strength up. Once he hits the big boy leagues he's going to be coughing up balls like crazy.

Understood. I'll be working on it. Training strength right now...thinking of investing in enhanced training for strength and jumping. They don't have one for carrying.



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