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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > HB is on crack - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

Edited by Catch22 on Jul 20, 2010 01:58:40
Edited by RMiller517 on Jul 5, 2010 16:02:05 (Replication not possible, very weird issue.)
Edited by Djmr on Jul 5, 2010 15:54:49 (Definitely a bug but what's causing it is a mystery)
Edited by Asdlfef on Jun 25, 2010 12:06:17 (No HB with low agility and less than 100 elusive settings should be doing that.)
Edited by VolBrian on Jun 25, 2010 05:24:04 (Multiple replays are showing the HB "weave" and then cut 5-7 yards sideways)
What are the settings on the half back on the play. Also, what exactly do you believe is the problem, "on crack" is not something that the Sim shows, nor is it a part of the game.
Edited by Asdlfef on Jun 24, 2010 16:48:05
Edited by Asdlfef on Jun 24, 2010 16:46:33
Rocky Top
Originally posted by Asdlfef
"on crack" is not something that the Sim shows, nor is it a part of the game.

Originally posted by Asdlfef
What are the settings on the half back on the play. Also, what exactly do you believe the problem, "on crack" is not something that the Sim shows, nor is it a part of the game.

I'm sorry it wasn't evident to you. I guess I shouldn't have assumed that a bugs mod had the ability to a)watch a replay and b)determine what is and is not normal behavior in the game that they are attempting to de-bug. I sort of thought that was a prerequisite for the job.

So I will simplify this for you. The level 10 halfback with barely 30 agility makes 6 cuts that players his level normally can't make. He also accelerates rapidly to the left at a speed that someone with low agility normally cannot obtain. He dances in the hole like a spaz which is not typical behavior for a level 10 back with low agility, regardless of his tactics.

I'll PM the owner and see where his tactics are. I will let you know.

Also, DJMR told me to post this here.

Originally posted by PING72
I'm sorry it wasn't evident to you. I guess I shouldn't have assumed that a bugs mod had the ability to a)watch a replay and b)determine what is and is not normal behavior in the game that they are attempting to de-bug. I sort of thought that was a prerequisite for the job.

So I will simplify this for you. The level 10 halfback with barely 30 agility makes 6 cuts that players his level normally can't make. He also accelerates rapidly to the left at a speed that someone with low agility normally cannot obtain. He dances in the hole like a spaz which is not typical behavior for a level 10 back with low agility, regardless of his tactics.

I'll PM the owner and see where his tactics are. I will let you know.

Also, DJMR told me to post this here.

They pulled the same bullshit with my bug. They didnt care since it wasnt worded to there desire.
I ask you to reread two stickies at the top of the forum if you are confused about the process:

They are there to help make everything move quickly and smoothly. The more information the better, even with bugs that you believe are clear cut.

Originally posted by Asdlfef
What are the settings on the half back on the play. Also, what exactly do you believe is the problem, "on crack" is not something that the Sim shows, nor is it a part of the game.

When a user is on crack, one will notice an increase in talkativeness and energy. The user will discuss grandiose plans or embark on often unachievable projects. When the high wears off, they will become irritable, easily angered and sleep excessively. They usually have no appetite and lose weight quickly. Personal grooming declines.

Read more at Suite101: Crack Cocaine Addiction: Symptoms, Signs and Warnings

On a serious note:

Originally posted by PING72

Also, DJMR told me to post this here.

+1 respectable mod that wants to help the game get better

Let me see if I can find some links also. This is an issue. It is nice to have a bug Mod that plays in PeeWee Leagues that can see first hand there are sim problems.

Thanks DJMR

Edited by D~Town on Jun 24, 2010 17:19:43
Skoll Wolfrun
Just on this player carries in just this game, seems to do that Zig-Zag a few times then rushes normal the rest of the time.
So I doubt it is a settings glitch. I would guess something firing, but seems unlikely at that level.

He did nothing similar in previous games I looked at either.
Edited by Skoll Wolfrun on Jun 24, 2010 17:47:53
Rocky Top
Originally posted by regoob2
They pulled the same bullshit with my bug. They didnt care since it wasnt worded to there desire.

Actually, I gave a pretty good description of why we did not see this as a bug before we closed it:

And you apparently didn't care enough to answer any questions about your possible issue here:

Your posts left something to be desired for sure, but we don't close posts about possible bugs because of wording.
Edited by VolBrian on Jun 24, 2010 18:51:53
Edited by VolBrian on Jun 24, 2010 18:49:49
Rocky Top
Originally posted by PING72
The level 10 halfback with barely 30 agility makes 6 cuts that players his level normally can't make. He also accelerates rapidly to the left at a speed that someone with low agility normally cannot obtain. He dances in the hole like a spaz which is not typical behavior for a level 10 back with low agility, regardless of his tactics.

I'll PM the owner and see where his tactics are. I will let you know.

This would have gone much farther than "he's on crack", and it wasn't all that hard was it? Based off of this info and the actions in the replay right after he gets through the line, I do think this is buggy and I actually think something may exist already on this I'll try to find.

Look guys, you don't have to follow the post exactly as my sticky reads, but at least help us out a little here. These issues you post aren't our fault and we're here to try and help figure out what happened. If you don't like the process, talk to the people who created it. Getting upset with us is like getting mad at the police over what exactly the speed limit is instead of the people who set it.
Sorry for the lack of description in my OP. Hopefully the agent returns my PM soon.
Originally posted by PING72
Sorry for the lack of description in my OP. Hopefully the agent returns my PM soon.

Thanks for the apology and swift action.

In the future, please understand that CS mods have hundreds of threads to sift through a day, and getting home from work and clicking through each of them, it makes it much harder when a thread contains only a link. The 'bug' was pretty obvious but more info always makes it go much smoother.

Again, thanks for the great action on this bug, as the more involved a user stays, the faster it moves up the ladder.

Originally posted by VolBrian
This would have gone much farther than "he's on crack", and it wasn't all that hard was it? Based off of this info and the actions in the replay right after he gets through the line, I do think this is buggy and I actually think something may exist already on this I'll try to find.

Look guys, you don't have to follow the post exactly as my sticky reads, but at least help us out a little here. These issues you post aren't our fault and we're here to try and help figure out what happened. If you don't like the process, talk to the people who you give your money to. Getting upset with us is like getting mad at the police over what exactly the speed limit is instead of the people who set it.

We just want what we pay for sir.
As you can see I spend good $ with GLB just like World Leagues.
as I matter of fact I bet a dime a dozen, most of us Owners in Gold spend more than World Leagues Owners to be quiet frank.
We make 1 and dones by the handful, CEQ, SA Tree, Boost, just to be competitive and keep our team respectably in gold league. It really is a chore and we would like some recognition as we pay to play also.

Personally I have been in Gold League PeeWee since inception. I know first hand that it is not all cookies and cream when the sim favors upper levels drastically.

Please let us put our thread together here as we gain more links.

Have a good day.

Rocky Top
What you did with my post was cute, but you do realize that's not us right?

I have owned a PeeWee team and co-owned another for two seasons a piece. I know how much it costs, but none of that has anything to do with bugs. None of what you posted is bug related at all. If you think the PeeWee sim needs to be adjusted then, with your experience in GLB, you most certainly know this forum is not the place to work on that.

As for this OP in particular, it looks buggy regardless of what league it is. Please let the PeeWee issue go as it is irrelevant to this replay. That HB didn't do that because he plays in the PeeWees.

Edited by VolBrian on Jun 24, 2010 19:42:07
Rocky Top
After looking at the two replays we have, I'm beginning to think this maybe related Bug #159 here:

I know that says open pathing, but if you look at some of the replays in that thread, which include some higher players incidentally, the cuts and "jukes" are very similar.

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