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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #1 > S26 Mid Season Review - Alpha
Alpha (Zeta will be posted lata)

Rank....Team.....................Players.....Avg Level.....Avg Value.....Eff Level Salary
1.......Sons of Liberty..........51..........71............998.24........74
Having crushed two of the three teams that had an outside shot at upsetting them, the Son's are sitting pretty at #1. Towards seasons end, they will clash with the Titans to determine the #1 and #2 seeds.
Current 1
Predicted 1

2.......Astoria Fightin' Titans..49...........60...........868.39.05........67
The Titans have made some upgrades recently, and are not planning on letting the Son's roll away with the the conference cup. Adding some depth and skill players, they have made themselves the legitmate number two, and moved into position to take the one slot from SoL. Already having defeated the Pirates, the only close team left are the Rippers, who would need a huge upset to defeat the Titans.

3.......Yorkshire Rippers........54............49..........752.64..........53
The Rippers, with a tough draw to open the season, and a loss to SoL have them needing to upset the Titans and Priates. With the Titans recent upgrades, thats less likely then the Pirates, who, while better than the Rippers, are facing a war of a attrition. Will they survive the blue wave or be crushed by it?

4.......Wolffsen Pirates.........44...........56...........852.89.........65
Yarrr! The Pirates too have done some recruiting and increased the power of the teams cannons. Not quite ready for a broadside, but a merger away from being legitmate rulers of the seas, or Oceania as it were. Finding some more allies will move them back into the 3 slot. The game with the Rippers will very likely determine the 3/4 slot.

Whats a pirate got after a workout at the gym?
Stanky Arrrrrmpits

5........Monroeville Zombies......45...........48..........735.6...........51
The Zombies are slowly adding to their numbers, but unless they get a feeding frenzy going, sorry, but they are not gonna get granted admission to the league finals. With Norfolks defeat, the Zombies have pretty much locked up the 5 slot.

6........Norfolk Island Knights...43...........48..........711.97............49
The undermanned K-nig-its bravely fight one, but the loss to the Zombies hurt. Aurther better continue his quest soon, as 43 simply won't due.

7........Tibetan Drunk Monks......49...........342..........668.96............41
The Monks have fought a long and difficult battle to this point. However, in the end they will fall. But, they have beer, so when your training involves drinking beer......train on brother.

Pretty much the standard highlight reel after facing each of these teams. One of them will make the playoffs too. Would suggest players from these teams join the short ones above for the rest of the season......

8........Port Arthur Hodags
9....... Carlona Krakens
10...... Helsinki Hitmen
11...... Barstow Nuclear
12...... Spruce Grove Elves
13...... Sumatra Sting .
14...... North Philly .
15...... British Blitzers .
16...... pen outlaws .


Beer > Everything.

That is all.
Originally posted by Vortus
Alpha (Zeta will be posted lata)
3.......Yorkshire Rippers........54............49..........752.64..........53
The Rippers, with a tough draw to open the season, and a loss to SoL have them needing to upset the Titans and Priates. With the Titans recent upgrades, thats less likely then the Pirates, who, while better than the Rippers, are facing a war of a attrition. Will they survive the blue wave or be crushed by it?

4.......Wolffsen Pirates.........44...........56...........852.89.........65
Yarrr! The Pirates too have done some recruiting and increased the power of the teams cannons. Not quite ready for a broadside, but a merger away from being legitmate rulers of the seas, or Oceania as it were. Finding some more allies will move them back into the 3 slot. The game with the Rippers will very likely determine the 3/4 slot.

Whats a pirate got after a workout at the gym?
Stanky Arrrrrmpits

After the Pirates vs Rippers game, the players of the rippers will be resting in peace. (I hope)

My god these conference is low on strength. Only 2 teams with real strength and 2 vanabees (Pirates is one of the wanabees). This is the first time I have experienced a conference in an AA league with that low strength.

Sons of Liberty have an average level of 71? Sheesh...
Originally posted by j10er
Sons of Liberty have an average level of 71? Sheesh...

yes, but most of their players are very old. If they where just 20 days older in average they would end up in the 4th spot in the conference. I would love to play them in the playoffs. We would properly have a descent change to beat them at that point. With them getting slower and weaker and the pirates are getting stronger and faster it would be a good matchup at that point.
Pirates v Rippers will be a big game. Rippers will have their 48s by that game. It should be a good one. Along with determing 3rd and 4th I think.

As far as SoL goes....will be a good test of decline.
Great write-up Vortus and I like the Youtube Vid's.!! Keep it coming and if I have time I'll try and do some of my infamous Rankings. I hope to have some up within the next few Games.
I just come to realize something. That youtube video is of a female captain. I'm not that feminine (almost, perhaps)

Just to set things straigth, Wolffsen Pirates are named after the Danish Privateer Casper Henrik Wolffsen (1781-1836). He got famous for plundering british ships.
Hehe most of my vid choices and write ups will humor and something pertinent to what I mean. Some are pretty simple, some are a considerable stretch. That one seemed appropriate. For lots of reasons.
Originally posted by Vortus
Hehe most of my vid choices and write ups will humor and something pertinent to what I mean. Some are pretty simple, some are a considerable stretch. That one seemed appropriate. For lots of reasons.

Well we just played Liberty and despite a 30 level deficit (yes they are 30 levels above us on average) we held them to 80 points AND more importantly put 20 past them. The most any team has managed. Moral victory ftw!
Originally posted by Arayel
Well we just played Liberty and despite a 30 level deficit (yes they are 30 levels above us on average) we held them to 80 points AND more importantly put 20 past them. The most any team has managed. Moral victory ftw!

Liberty have declined alot over the season. Most of their players are in their second or even third season of decline. so over the past 24 days, most of the players have declined 6-9% (plus the 5% decline from the first season of decline).

I just wished that my team had to meet them a bit long through the season and not as the second game (some 4-6% deline ago)

4% of decline on a prime attribute (if the attribute is 80, without EQ) is 3.2. My guess is that they will have a hard time in the playoffs.

Any way, it is still a very good result by your team. A better result than you had against the Pirates (7-87) or the Rippers (0-94). Cant wait to see what you can do against the Titans.
Originally posted by wolffsen
Liberty have declined alot over the season. Most of their players are in their second or even third season of decline. so over the past 24 days, most of the players have declined 6-9% (plus the 5% decline from the first season of decline).

I just wished that my team had to meet them a bit long through the season and not as the second game (some 4-6% deline ago)

4% of decline on a prime attribute (if the attribute is 80, without EQ) is 3.2. My guess is that they will have a hard time in the playoffs.

Any way, it is still a very good result by your team. A better result than you had against the Pirates (7-87) or the Rippers (0-94). Cant wait to see what you can do against the Titans.

To be honest Im just worried we may get promoted to AAA......
Originally posted by Arayel
Originally posted by wolffsen

Liberty have declined alot over the season. Most of their players are in their second or even third season of decline. so over the past 24 days, most of the players have declined 6-9% (plus the 5% decline from the first season of decline).

I just wished that my team had to meet them a bit long through the season and not as the second game (some 4-6% deline ago)

4% of decline on a prime attribute (if the attribute is 80, without EQ) is 3.2. My guess is that they will have a hard time in the playoffs.

Any way, it is still a very good result by your team. A better result than you had against the Pirates (7-87) or the Rippers (0-94). Cant wait to see what you can do against the Titans.

To be honest Im just worried we may get promoted to AAA......

If there is a AAA.

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