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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Depth Chart Bug... ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Time Trial
You add a couple of players to the depth chart and you get the error where it can't find the webpage.

I'm now going to go into my game with an incomplete depth chart.

Auto-update isn't a good solution, so don't offer it... just fix it.
Edited by STG on Jun 8, 2010 21:22:49 (Depth Chart Limitation has already been Classified as Not a Bug)
Edited by robponce on Jun 8, 2010 20:50:42 (Suggestions vs. Bugs)
Edited by Squab on Jun 8, 2010 20:26:24 (NEEDS QA)
Edited by VolBrian on Jun 8, 2010 14:18:44 (Not likely a bug)
Rocky Top
Auto-reorder the depth chart is the only solution because you can only add so many players to the chart. Auto-reorder and then try adding less players. Also, make sure you give yourself enough time before the sim. I give myself 2 hours before with each of my teams just to be on the safe side. Gonna mark not likely a bug.
Time Trial
Originally posted by VolBrian
Auto-reorder the depth chart is the only solution because you can only add so many players to the chart. Auto-reorder and then try adding less players. Also, make sure you give yourself enough time before the sim. I give myself 2 hours before with each of my teams just to be on the safe side. Gonna mark not likely a bug.

Obviously Bort is going to need to expand this. It isn't like I have a whole bunch of backups at every ST position.
Ieuan Evans
Originally posted by VolBrian
Auto-reorder the depth chart is the only solution because you can only add so many players to the chart. Auto-reorder and then try adding less players. Also, make sure you give yourself enough time before the sim. I give myself 2 hours before with each of my teams just to be on the safe side. Gonna mark not likely a bug.

Yeah, because nobody works or anything. Must dedicate life to GLB imo.
Auto-Reorder isn't the only solution. The error means simply that you have too many people on the depth chart, which sucks, but that's the way it is. You can auto-reorder, but I understand how annoying that is. What I would recommend is to start taking people off the depth chart at places where there are too many players. Usually, this happens on special teams. I found that you usually don't need that many players on the depth chart, but we just kind of go crazy when we start thinking about energy settings and getting everyone equal playing time. I know it seems excessive, but I might just look through the depth chart and see where you can trim the excess.

This issue has been addressed pretty recently. Bort increased the amount of players that could be on a depth chart, I want to say about three months ago. Right now, that's all i can tell you. I don't know if Bort plans to expand it any more. Catch had a sticky about it here a few weeks back.

I'd like Catch to weigh in on this, so I'm going to move this to QA, and see if we can get further clarification from him.
Don't know what all has been posted as I'm just getting in from practice, but both our offense depth chart and ST depth chart got hosed today. All custom slots were deleted from the offense and all ST positions were deleted, and we didn't hit auto-reorder.
I'm going to say this is likely not a bug. The depth chart limit is something Bort has addressed in the past, and expanded it recently to accommodate. The game is not affected really, and I'm sure it wouldn't be smart to allow teams to just have unlimited depth access (storing and pinging 50 slots per position would most likely require a ton of server space). In that case I'm going to say it's not a Bug persay. Is it working like TT hopes? No. But more a suggestion than a bug.

Okay, but what about my case where the DC was just emptied -- as in all custom slots were removed and the ST slots as well?
This is not a BUG as per the Quote mentioned below. Nor does it need to be fixed. Your Special Teams Depth Chart is DEEP, too deep. There is no need to have 4-5 People at some Special teams Positions (Like you currently have). I suggest you create a Suggestion (in the Suggestions Forum) to increase the Depth Chart capacity of the Special Teams Roster.


Depth Chart Limitations

There is a limit to the number of players you can put on the depth chart. If you attempt to put every player on your team on every special teams spot the submission will fail. Please auto-reorder and update it. Use common sense when creating your depth charts.

Thread Locked
Edited by STG on Jun 8, 2010 21:22:04
Originally posted by STG
This is not a BUG as per the Quote mentioned below. Nor does it need to be fixed. Your Special Teams Depth Chart is DEEP, too deep. There is no need to have 4-5 People at some Special teams Positions (Like you currently have). I suggest you create a Suggestion (in the Suggestions Forum) to increase the Depth Chart capacity of the Special Teams Roster.


Depth Chart Limitations

There is a limit to the number of players you can put on the depth chart. If you attempt to put every player on your team on every special teams spot the submission will fail. Please auto-reorder and update it. Use common sense when creating your depth charts.

Thread Locked

This is the correct answer.


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