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Forum > Position Talk > O Line Club > First Step for a LOT, worthwhile?
First some background:

I've got a hold block of 21% from three pieces of equipment (although I'll probably end up dumping one of them there's not enough of a return on investment to make me think some of those BT's aren't better spent in other places.
After that my focus is/will be in Protector.
That knocks out 'the big two' for LOTs.

What I'm putting to the group is:
On a roll I got a piece that has First Step.
My thought is, if my LT can backpedal rapidly wouldn't that be an useful advantage over pass rushing DE's?

Reading the description I'm working under the assumption it's a speed based (and not agi) piece of equipment.
That's a strike, but I'm not sure on how big a deal it is if it's a scaling bonus.

So I put it to you: worth it as a complimentary item?
I would think a ROT would get more use out of it but I really do not know for sure.
Originally posted by superspck
Reading the description I'm working under the assumption it's a speed based (and not agi) piece of equipment.
That's a strike, but I'm not sure on how big a deal it is if it's a scaling bonus.

So I put it to you: worth it as a complimentary item?

I wouldn't think of First Step as a purely speed-based or agility-based piece of equipment. Its an acceleration piece when starting from a complete stop. It will help you backpedal from the snap, as well accelerate up to speed again more quickly if you're revcaked. I'm not sure if it is more valuable than something like Get Low, Foundation, Quick Cut, etc for your team's tactics, but it can be valuable IMO.


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